Interior of the comedy "Duplex": Granny is not attached :))


The comedy Duplex tells about the newlyweds who find a good apartment, but face some difficulties after they begin to live in it. The interior of each room suggests that the housewife at home has collected objects that can be seen in the apartment.

Features of the decoration of the apartment

From the first frames in which the old apartment is shown, you can see that there are many chairs and chairs in the rooms, as well as other furniture. At the same time, it is made in classic style and is suitable for the design of a typical Brooklyn apartment.

Interior of comedy

Also, considering the apartment, you can see several features:

  1. Multisective windows with wooden frames, which are characteristic of many old houses.

Interior of comedy

Interior of comedy

  1. Abundance of paintings. Almost all free wall space is occupied by paintings and photographs of different sizes. All of them have a wooden framework and are combined with the style of the room.

Interior of comedy

Interior of comedy

Interior of comedy

  1. All free spaces on the chest and shelves are forced by things that have no value. In rooms you can see many hours of different sizes and forms, as well as figurines and other items. In an example, you can bring vases, boxes and telephones. Books in the apartment, oddly enough, practically no. It may say that the owner of the apartment has collected only those things that caused her emotional response.

Interior of comedy

Interior of comedy

  1. The abundance of wooden furniture is also striking. Despite the fact that the apartment has large sizes, it is almost all forced to be furnished and space remains very little.

Interior of comedy

In some scenes you can observe how the protagonist of the film inspects the items, finding that there is a lot of unnecessary among them. The walls in the apartment have white, but partially decorated with wooden panels, which are combined with doors, doorways and floors.

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Interior of comedy

Interior of comedy

On the windows in the apartment you can see white tulle and brown curtains that are well combined with lacquered wood. At the same time, the tissue tablecloths are hanging on each dresser, which were used only in the 20th century.

What does the decoration of the apartment

Despite the fact that the apartment looks comfortable, it seems that there is a crazy banner in it, who constantly brings new things. Since the owner of the apartment, judging by the film, was over 90 years old, this feature is quite explained. There is nothing superfluous in the rooms. Each thing for her served as a reminder of the events that remained only in memories.

If we consider the apartments of the elderly, it can be understood that this feature is practically inherent - collect items that store memories. And the more time a person spends in the house, the more things in it accumulates.

Interior of comedy

The apartment has low classic tables from wood and lamps with lamps from the middle of the 20th century. Such objects create a special atmosphere, which contributes to the dive into the past. It is worth noting that the abundance of the lacquered tree makes the apartment in greasy, but creates a special comfort, characteristic of the interiors of the 20th century.

To create a similar interior, it is enough to choose furniture and objects of the beginning of the 20th century. At the same time, in most cases, the form and color are not important, as in a similar apartment, square paintings with round clocks and mirrors are well combined, and carved chairs do not look strangely next to the fabric chairs with a gray upholstery.

Interior of comedy

Duplex (Duplex, 2003) - Duplicate Trailer (1 video)

Interior of the apartment from the movie "Duplex" (14 photos)

Interior of comedy

Interior of comedy

Interior of comedy

Interior of comedy

Interior of comedy

Interior of comedy

Interior of comedy

Interior of comedy

Interior of comedy

Interior of comedy

Interior of comedy

Interior of comedy

Interior of comedy

Interior of comedy

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