Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home


Buy a stylish and beautiful decor element can afford units, because design work is very expensive. It makes no sense to do it, because many things can be made independently, putting a little effort.

You can update the interior in different ways, one of them is to create a stylish vase with your own hands. For this you will not need anything supernatural, it is enough to take an old Vaza and some remedies. The result is the original thing, no worse than the designer. It is cheaper and perfect to the interior of the house.

There is a lot of ways to stylish a vase, here are some of them.

Decorating with natural materials

As a decor, there may be: twigs of trees, cones, shells, bones, beans, grains, straw, dried flowers, stones, acorns. To do this, it is enough to go out into the street and inspect the world around and find the most original and appropriate options for the decor.

Before their use, the vase is prepared - dust and dirt are removed, degreased with alcohol or alcohol napkin. Next, you can start decoration. Materials are fastened with thermoclause for heavier options or PVA glue for the lungs. If desired, the workpiece can be pre-painted with acrylic paint or left in its original form.

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Maconami decoration

Stylish, originally and beautiful will look a vase, plated by pasta of different sizes and shapes. To do this, in the store you can choose several packs of macaroni with a suitable form.

Pre-Vaza is degreased, after it is embarked in gluing pasta to the harboring with a thermoclaster or superclaim. Pasta can be located chaotically, along the layers or depict a specific drawing. Next, they are opened with paint and varnish for reliability.

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Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home


Vases decorated in this technique look stylish and completely new. This will require special napkins sold in stores for needlework, or appropriate canteens. The main thing is to choose a suitable picture.


  1. Wash and degreased with alcohol vase;
  2. Apply a layer of PVA glue;
  3. While the glue is not drying, they lean carefully napkin;
  4. Apply another layer of PVA glue;
  5. When glue dries, the vase is opened with varnish for durability and pleasant brilliance.

When choosing a napkin, it is necessary to consider that it will lose a little brightness in the finished form due to contact with PVA glue.

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Vase in a vase

This option is suitable if there are two identical vases in the house, but different by volume. There should be less than a smaller vase. The place between them can be stylishly decorated, filling with it with multi-colored stones or candy, buttons or coffee grains.

You can fill empty water with algae, for this:

  1. On the bottom of the large vase stacked stones, algae or any other decor and spreads along the edges;
  2. A smaller vase is lowered inside;
  3. Algae are inserted on the sides;
  4. Water poured.

Such a vase will look stylish and beautiful, the main thing is to periodically change the water so that it is not forced.

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Beads and Pets

Vase can stand in the closet or occupy the most honorable place and be the main element of the decor, for this it should have an appropriate appearance. In this case, beads, waters, beads and decorative stones will help. They are glued with an adhesive gun to a pre-fat vase. Minor decorations will help create any drawing or chaotic. If the sun rays appear on them, they will reflect it and overflow.

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

You can achieve a brilliant effect using conventional sparkles, evenly scattered over the surface of the vase. To fix them, the vase is opened with varnish.

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31 idea how to make a vase. Vase do it yourself (1 video)

Unique vases with their own hands (14 photos)

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

Stylish vases with their own hands: Simple ways to update at home

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