Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review


Mansion is located in the heart of Rome. In the 1950s, his owner was Carlo Ponti. This is a famous film producer who has become in the future spouse Sophie Loren. He is partly owned by his successful career. Ponti adored to meet at the entrance of guests. He watched with interest to their reaction. The one who first visited the villa was very emotionally surprised, he farthed back, Ahal, etc.

Mansion in the style of the XVII century

Hall Mansion is a chamber room with vaulted low ceilings, mosaic on the floor and the image of the head of the jellyfish Gorgon. Over the time of the ancient Rome! The villa was built back in the 17th century. Previously, at this place was a basalt quarry, where raw materials were mined for the construction of an appia road. This is the most important transport artery of Rome. She also had the name of the Royal Road (ReginaViarum). The quarry functioned in the distant 312 AD, and the road remained to this day. Today she has become a landmark for tourists. She is very close to the villa, which is hidden behind massive walls. It can be compared with the bastion to get into which, it is necessary to go through three "cordon", i.e. Three huge terrible doors.

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

The residence forms the main house (in it two floors, 680 sq.m.) and the guest oxide (separate construction, 600 square meters. M.), A beautiful ancient park with a swimming pool (and that's all is near the Colosseum). Flygel is a studio with an open layout type. It contains a pair of bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen, turning into a gazebo, located nearby. The advertisement of this residence was formed in the 1950s. The British, who disassembled in such estates, is called its Mansion. Since the 1980s, Mansion had more owners. The villa is often rebuilt. But its main features are preserved in pristine. New owners really appreciated the history of the mansion, which was lucky to take the popular Stars of Italian Cinema during his takeoff. Therefore, they did not change anything radically in it in order to preserve the situation and the atmosphere of the Chinechitta. The house has old beams.

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Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

The first floor is a living room combined with a dining room. On the second floor where the accommodation for housing is lifted on the elevator. Here are four bedrooms, each of which has a bathroom. Here is the library and dressing room. From the library there is an exit to the terrace hanging over the garden. On the second floor there is still a winter garden.

Interior of Sophie Lauren and Carlo Ponti

To verify the strength of the foundation of the house, excavations were carried out. During them, confusing underground moves and vintage mosaic Romanesque bridge were found.

The interior of the house is reconstructed under the style of the 18th century with carved patterns of wooden ceilings. Because of the ancient decoration and respect for the age of Villa was considered the national domain of Italy. Ponti for all work received permission and signed a contract that he would not sell the villa, without proposing it first by the state.

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

In the main house there are several especially beautiful rooms where the Ponti family received guests. In the living room with frescoes several sofas and chairs.

From all the rooms Sophie loved their office, the windows of which went to the pool in the garden. The villa was decorated with paintings of famous artists.

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

The house is currently completely renovated by the current property owner, which bought it from Carlo Ponti in the 1980s.

In Roman residence, significant cinema people were often located. Alberto Sordes here shot the scene from the movie "Taxi driver in New York".

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

For two houses with a park (the territory of the park is 1 hectare, there is a room for servants and a garage) realtors engaged in the assessment and sale of elite Italian real estate, asking 19 million euros.

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Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

Villa Sophie Lauren in Rome Interior Establishment Review

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