Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg


Houses, like people, have their own soul and their face, which reflects their inner entity.


Modern celebrities spend most of their condition for the purchase of their own housing. So that the apartments are unique and comfortable, the stars hire the best designers who help to realize even the most extravagant ideas of customers. However, there are those who are creating an interior in their nest, independently. It is to such Celabriti and refers to the world's star of wobble Goldberg.

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

As it turned out, this talented actress has a very unusual taste. Celebrity apartments are decorated in Loft style. She chose this style not by chance, because it is he who reflects her difficult inner world. The apartment does not have to do with everyone, because at first glance it looks like a museum. However, the hostess there was cozy and calmly, after all, before it was popular, she had to join the hostels along with representatives of popular subcultures of those times.

Loft is a household building, which was redone under residential. Modern Loft style combines gross wall decoration with sophisticated furniture.

The apartment's apartment, with an area of ​​360 square meters, occupies a whole floor in the "star" house. Despite, so, considerable sizes, thanks to the correct placement of furniture and successfully selected color scheme, the apartment seems just a huge apartment.

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

Light walls visually expand space, and large windows fill rooms with natural light. Special charm Apartment adds furniture. It would seem that not combined objects, very harmoniously fit into the style of the rooms. Here you can see the vintage chest, standing near modern beds, and a wooden "aged" dining table against the background of a glossy kitchen headset.

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All these things fully reflect the originality of the housewham. Wüpi Goldberg was also recognized in his interview that every item in this apartment has its own story and throw something simply impossible. In the moment, apartments actresses are put up for sale, as in the USA style "Loft" loses its relevance. However, in Russia, this direction is only gaining momentum.

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

Tips for creating a "Loft style".

Such a style is suitable for creative people who are not afraid of change. This turned out to be really a cozy apartment, you can seek help from specialists. They will prompt what better to combine materials and colors. Also, designers can help with the choice of furniture and equipment to create a full image. However, if you want to do everything yourself, you can use tips from the magnificent Vupigoldberg:

  • Color walls. It must be as light as possible. Perfect white and beige colors. Mandatory condition - the ceiling of the same color with walls.
  • Floors should be made of natural materials. Wooden coating will be perfectly harmonized with wall design. As for the palette, it is better that the floors also have a light shade.

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

  • All household appliances in the kitchen should be glossy. Ideally brilliant steel. It is this color that will add a raisyn to the interior.
  • A very calm style color gamut. However, you can show creative and add bright accents that will attract attention.

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

Bright colors should be no more than two. The most suitable colors: blue and red. You can also use derivatives of these shades.

  • Furniture. It is absolutely no matter what style includes one or another item. If you compete emphasize accents, you can use almost any furniture. However, it is worth remembering that the line between the originality and the missure is very thin.

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

If you follow these tips, then the apartment made in the Loft style will be cozy and unique.

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Interesting interior overview. Loft 65m2 Apartment (1 video)

Apartment wobble Goldberg and Loft Inteuter (14 photos)

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

Tips for your interior from the actress Wuoo Goldberg

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