Basic ways to dismantle buildings


Demolition of buildings or partial disassembly are often required with the following cases. The demolition requires buildings emergency or old, unauthorized, buildings without owner. Partial demolition is most often produced in the event that the building is reconstructed. Be sure to book a demolition project before work. It will indicate the main stages of the work, the optimal demolition method and so on. During its preparation, all the features of the construction are necessarily taken into account, nearby objects and so on. Let's talk about the basic methods used for the installation of buildings, the advantages and disadvantages of the options when they are best to choose.

How is a demolition project

For demolition, it is necessary to make it necessary to make it specialists. The project allows you to demolish secure and as fast as possible. The main features of the design of the project include:

  • A list of all events are drawn up that allow the building from operation;
  • Security Activities. This applies to both the workers and the population, which lives next to the dismantled object;
  • The optimal dismantling method is selected. It takes into account the technical characteristics of the building, the buildings nearby, the ground and so on;
  • Decisions related to the preparation of the site to work.
Basic ways to dismantle buildings

Basic ways to dismantle buildings

So, that the demolition of the building is safe, high-quality and fast, you need to choose the optimal method. There are several basic options, namely:

  • Manual method. Today, it is extremely rare. Only in cases where accuracy, preservation of materials and so on is important in the disassembly. The manual method can also be applied if other buildings are located very closely with the building. Apply the method can only for buildings in which there are less than 5 floors. Often used for private houses;
  • Mechanized. A very popular way to dismantle today. It is perfect for the demolition of buildings, which are "inside" the city. The use of specialized techniques allows you to do everything quickly and efficiently. It is usually used 3-4 types of technology. Especially often wielding in place again excavators;
  • Explosive. This method according to the law is prohibited to apply within the city. Excellent solution for open areas, where there are no buildings nearby. Since the conditions for the use of the method requires a lot, the explosive method is extremely rare.

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  • Basic ways to dismantle buildings
  • Basic ways to dismantle buildings
  • Basic ways to dismantle buildings
  • Basic ways to dismantle buildings
  • Basic ways to dismantle buildings

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