Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie


Almost 15 years have passed since the release of the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith". In it, in two main roles, two stars of world-class brand Pitt and Angelina Jolie, in the role of spouses.

The film was remembered to many not only thanks to a high-quality and interesting game of actors, but also the design of their homes, in particular gorgeous cuisine.

The kitchen in the movie and today looks stylish, fashionable and modern. It is made in the style of High-tech, which is already at the peak of popularity.

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

If you look at the kitchen dominate:

  1. Strict geometric shapes and lines;
  2. Minimalism in the use of furniture;
  3. Modern materials for finishing surfaces - glass, tile, plastic. They are combined with a glossy coating;
  4. A large number of fashionable and functional techniques;
  5. Calm and neutral color scheme;
  6. Lack of textiles.

Furniture set

On the film, the main character does not prepare food, and orders it from the restaurant and heats up.

The kitchen is spacious and roomy. It is not in a closed space, but is part of a huge room separated by the wall. This wall is laid out bright and motley ceramic tiles, which immediately rushes into the eyes. Several wind wardrobes are built in the wall. This location allows you to prepare several dishes at the same time and save time. On the edges there is a furniture headset.

On the other wall there are windows with access to the garden. Through them, there is a large amount of light and fills them with a dark space.

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

A spacious refrigerator is placed on the opposite wall of the windows.

The furniture is made of a dark massif and is located exclusively at the bottom. They are spacious and comfortable. They have retractable boxes. Therefore, it disappears the need to use the upper cabinets. The countertop is harmoniously combined with furniture. She is glossy and dark.

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The kitchen has a dishwasher and a gas stove. They are mounted in furniture headsets.

In the center of the kitchen is the island. Its countertop is lined with a shallow motley tiled, as one of the walls of the room. Appointment of spacious countertops - cooking. A gas stove is mounted in it, one washing and it remains enough free space for cooking.

Such an island may well replace the dining table, but in the film it is intended exclusively for cooking, as there is a beautiful and elegant dining room in the house.

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

Above the island is the lighting, which does not give the shadow to fall on the working surface. Since this is the main work surface, it has a set of knives, containers with a variety of spices, cutlery, plates, containers with vegetables and fruits.

Pots and frying pan are located elsewhere - along the windows, next to the second washing, which is more functional. It has a special shower for flushing off residues, before loading them into the dishwasher.


High-Tech style implies the use of a large number of functional and modern household appliances. In the kitchen from the movie it is enough. It stands on the most prominent and honorable places, and not dust in the boxes.

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

Along the wall with a window in the furniture set, a washing was mounted. The refrigerator is opposite it, along the other wall and takes up most of it. One of its doors has a glass finish.

Other household appliances are on the tabletop - coffee maker, toaster, juicer.

In the kitchen, you can see a small TV that can be viewed during cooking.

Decor and lighting

Thanks to a large number of windows located along one wall, the room is filled with light during the daytime and does not need additional backlight. Only upper lighting devices are mounted in the kitchen.

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

In the style of High-tech there is no abundance of decor. Therefore, in the kitchen, the Smith family on the same wall placed a large poster with the image of eggs, and on the island there are spices, fruits and vegetables, bringing bright colors in the interior.

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Despite such a simple interior at first glance, the kitchen looks stylish and is convenient to use.

Kitchen in the style of Hi Tech (1 video)

Kitchen from Mr. and Mrs. Smith (14 photos)

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

Review of gorgeous cuisine from Mr. and Mrs Smith movie

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