Student interior: how to make a chic design "task"


Student years are considered the most interesting in the life of a person, it is at this time that we open up all our abilities, bring new acquaintances and relax perfectly. But, if you are a student who lives in a hostel, you need to create pleasant conditions for living so that work and studies are only in joy. Consider the main features of the design of student design, which objects of furniture pick up, the most popular styles of the interior.

The easiest option is a minimalism style. It is characterized by a small number of furniture, so ideal for a poor student. It is important only to add a few notch so that the design looks stylish and nonsense. It is best to use a one-photon neutral finish. For a student, it is not worth choosing too light colors for the arrangement of the room, as it will be very difficult to follow the cleanliness of such a room. Interior items should look stylish and simple, have simple shades and shapes.

Student interior: how to make a chic design

Student interior: how to make a chic design

Country style is also a fairly budget version of the student room. But this style is not always like youth in contrast to the previous version. For the style of Country, you can choose old things used, which are practically challenging on the flea market. For a student, this option is perfect. At the same time, you can create a home corner even in a hostel, which will help to relax and feel at home.

Student interior: how to make a chic design

Student interior: how to make a chic design

Student interior: how to make a chic design

Loft is also suitable for the decoration of the student room. It is characterized by such features: non-accurate finish, various inexpensive furniture items, the use of metal parts in the interior. Loft is distinguished by its industrialism, so much money for arrangement is required.

In order for each interior style is beautiful and harmonious, you need to combine the color and forms correctly. In this case, even inexpensive furniture items will look beautiful and original in the interior.

Student interior: how to make a chic design

Student interior: how to make a chic design

Student interior: how to make a chic design

Basic rules of arrangement

In order for the interior to be stylish and beautiful, at the same time you did not spend a lot of money, such tips on the arrangement can be used for the hostel room:

  • Using bright colors. As a rule, student rooms in a hostel gray and dark. Living in such an interior very uncomfortable. You can safely use bright colors of furniture or decor. This will bring the room comfort and a good mood to all living. But no need to overdo it: it is enough to choose and use only 2-3 shades in the interior;
  • Soft textiles and textures. To create a softness of the interior and give it warmth, it is important to use textiles. Best if the coatings and materials are soft and comfortable. For example, you can choose a beautiful bright pillowcase on the pillow, pick up a small carpet or plaid for the bed. In one moment the room turns from an inaccurate shuttle room to cozy apartments;
  • The easiest way to decorate the room is to use a wall decor. It allows you to make beautiful even gray, a little pitched walls. It is best to choose bright and original prints so that you always wanted to return to your room.

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Student interior: how to make a chic design

Student interior: how to make a chic design

Student interior: how to make a chic design

If there is very little money for the arrangement of the room in the hostel, you can make the original decor with your own hands. For girls, it is ideal for creating paintings and cloths in the technique of Patchwork. It is based on the use of flap fabrics that are harmoniously stitched. As a result, you get the original and bright picture. You can make a product in the style of Patchwork to the frame and the picture is ready. For guys, various options for the original crafts are suitable. For example, if you "be friends with a tree", then you can make the shelves, stand, decor from twigs on the windowsill. The tree will not only emphasize any interior, but also give the room of a special charm and even wealth.

Student interior: how to make a chic design

Student interior: how to make a chic design

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Student interior: how to make a chic design

Student interior: how to make a chic design

Student interior: how to make a chic design

Student interior: how to make a chic design

Student interior: how to make a chic design

Student interior: how to make a chic design

Student interior: how to make a chic design

Student interior: how to make a chic design

Student interior: how to make a chic design

Student interior: how to make a chic design

Student interior: how to make a chic design

Student interior: how to make a chic design

Student interior: how to make a chic design

Student interior: how to make a chic design

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