Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor


In Soviet times, the carpet on the wall was considered a sign of the beauty of the interior and prosperity in the family. But over time, the fashion for such a design went into oblivion, as a large number of modern and beautiful wall decor appeared. But the fashion for the interior of the cyclical, which is why such a design is quite often applied even in the ultra-modern interior styles. Consider why the carpet on the wall rapidly returns to the arrangement of the house, how to use in different stylists.

Why does the carpet return?

Despite the fairly simple appearance of a similar wall decor, the carpet has a lot of advantages if you hang it on the wall. It is thanks to him that the fashion is returned to such design. There are several advantages of applying, namely:

  • The carpet on the wall is able to set the style in the room. The carpet will be the main elements of the decor, as the coating is quite large. If you choose the right shades, ornaments and other decor, you can set a room of a certain direction. For example, if you chose a Japanese style, then the original oriental prints on the coating will look beautiful;
  • Today you can choose different parameters and decor. It has long been the time when the market could only find the same rectangular carpets with geometric ornaments (as it was in the USSR). To date, you can choose any print, decor, shade, and even use rhinestones and other elements for design;
  • You can choose an unusual mounting option, due to this carpet on the wall will look original. For example, there are special beams, you can hang the carpet unevenly, thereby make a "highlight" of the room out of it;
  • The carpet also allows you to wear zoning in the room and has a positive effect on the layout of the room (albeit visual). For example, if you hang a rug of rectangular shape along the wall, then the room will look a little stretching. And if it is hanging vertically, the ceilings will seem higher.

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Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

How to use in the interior

In order for the interior to be truly original and did not like the arrangement of the rooms "Alya Soviet Union", it is necessary to focus on such rules:

  • Lines and ornaments, which are decorated with a carpet, must be approaching finishing and furniture objects. But they should not be identical, since the interior will look boring;
  • It is best not to choose bright prints and shades. For any interior, neutral colors are beautiful and elegantly suitable;
  • The carpet is ideal for zoning. It allows you to highlight the working area, recreation area or dining group.

In the apartment of the studio or in a large living room you can use several rugs for zoning. It is important that they differ in the design, but perfectly fit for the overall style of the room.

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

For which styles are used

Most often, the carpet on the wall decorates ethnic design styles. It may be: oriental style, Moroccan, Indian and the like. It is very important that shades and prints are fully approaching the traditions that characterize the chosen country.

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

To date, carpets on the wall can be used even in the style of High-tech. It is important to choose the right color and ornaments. For example, an ideal is not suitable for a durable carpet with a monophonic coating. It can be red, white or black carpet. If ornaments are selected, then they should be clear.

You can create a handsome carpet with your own hands, use Patchwork technology. This is a patchwork, which allows you to create an original design of the coating. Properly used colors will help to decorate anyone any interior.

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

Carpet on the wall (1 video)

Examples of spectacular placement of carpets on the wall (14 photos)

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

Carpet on the wall: New interior video or outdated decor

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