How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?


Gas pipes are in each kitchen. They deliver a lot of inconvenience, they are noticeable not armed with an eye and spoil the interior. As a rule, pipes are hiding during repair or ordering individual furniture and closing them in the cabinets. But this option will fly into a penny, and if the repair was recently done and it makes no sense to spend it? In this case, you can use unusual ways to mask gas pipes.


The most budget and easy way to distract attention from pipes. You can do this in several ways. The first is to paint the pipe into the tone of the next wall so that it merges with her and did not catch the eye. The second is more creative and original. To begin with, you will need to show a mixture and awaken the imagination to turn the pipe into a real work of art. The main rule is to use a special paint. It will smoothly go to bed and will not be unpleasant divorce.

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?


Decoupage technology is widely used to create original interior items. These are not only bottles, plates, vases, caskets, but also unsightly gas pipes. To work, you will need a special film for decoupage. It can be bought at any store for needlework or suitable ordinary napkins with a beautiful and suitable drawing style.

Work begins with stripping the surface of the pipe and applying the glue of PVA. Next fastest napkins. When they occupy the right position, they are again covered with glue and give a completely dry, sufficiently one day.

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

For reliable fixation, protection against moisture and mechanical damage, the tube with a pattern is opened with varnish.

Decorative painting

Possessing drawing skills you can apply interesting drawings, ornaments and patterns on the pipes. For this, the surface is cleaned and with the help of paints draw the desired image. The main thing is that it approached the style and the color of the room, perhaps it will be the continuation of the motifs from wallpaper or nearby stuntfulware. If there is no drawing skills, you can use pre-prepared stencils.

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How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

Decorative rope

This option is more organically written into the interior of the pipe, thanks to its exquisite and unique appearance. It is suitable twine, rope, knitting threads and a decorative cord. The rope is tightly tightening the pipe, starting from the top and gradually going down to the bottom, not leaving the lumen. For reliable fixation, the end and the beginning of the rope glue to the ground so that it does not break.

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

At the end hanging, pins or glued decorative elements. It can be beads, rhinestones, artificial flowers and leaves, shells, butterflies.


Decorative bamboo is sold in stores. It is in its form a campaign on the gas pipe, so they are easy to combine each other, it is enough to choose a bamboo in size and diameter to the gas pipe and decompose it is identical. Nearby you can put a decorative panda statuette or hang it on a bamboo stem.

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

Chrome-plated stand

Often in the kitchen have bar racks equipped with a chrome pipe. In this case, you can paint the gas pipe chrome-plated paint under the color of the rack so that they look harmoniously.

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?


Realing system is a combined hinged shelves, hooks, holders and suspensions, for convenient accommodation for kitchenware. To begin with, the gas pipe is cleaned and painted chrome paint. Another option is to place it near the Raliling rack and paint it into one color, as it is not recommended to overload the pipe items, it is dangerous.

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

Again the gas pipes is not difficult, the main thing is to show fantasy and choose the most suitable version of the decor corresponding to the style of the room.

Masking pipes in the kitchen. Tips for the kitchen. (1 video)

Gas pipe decoration (14 photos)

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

How to unusually hide the gas pipe in the kitchen?

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