Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior


Today, the use of ordinary things is not in direct intended purpose. Curious people invent all the new features of the girlfriend, which is in every home. It affected the shaving foam. Previously, men were used exclusively for shaving, but today it became aware of the new and unusual opportunities in the interior. It is worth considering the most original and useful of them.

Abstract painting

Pictures are painted with paints, pencils, felt-faucers, made of plasticine, sequined, rhinestones. But what about shaving foam? To create such a miracle painting, you will need:

  1. Foam;
  2. Bastard;
  3. Paper;
  4. Liquid food dyes;
  5. Scotch;
  6. The ruler is more than one of the sides of the paper sheet.

The foam is squeezed into a strain of a layer of several centimeters and add dyes into separate sections. Next prepared the paper, placing her edge scotch, so that it does not smell from moisture. The leaf is lowered by the front side into the baking sheet and slightly pressed on it and then put onto the smooth surface face up. With the help of the line, the remains of foam are removed 2-3 times, every time wiping her dry. The result will be the original abstract picture. When it dries, it is placed in the frame and hang on the wall.

Depending on the dyes used, their application on foam and movements of the ruler, there is always different drawing.

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Artificial snow

With the approach of winter, everyone is beginning to think about gifts to native and friends for the new year, the company in which the meeting of the long-awaited holiday, the place of holding and the wardrobe will occur. It is important to pay due attention to each of these items. But it happens that the mood cannot be called festive, then pre-New Year decor comes to the rescue. It may consist of spruce branches, candles, garlands and necessarily artificial snow that will complement any composition.

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It is very easy to make such a snow, it is enough to mix in equal proportions the usual food soda and shaving foam until a homogeneous consistency. It can be called wet snow. She is easy to model. It is laid on a fir and ride from snow by snowmen, which will be perfectly looking at the New Year's table.

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Foam stucco

From the foam you can make simple figures, but they will quickly fall asleep, as the foam is not intended for long-term storage. To craft from the foam pleased the eye for a long time, PVA glue is added in the foam, in a ratio of 2: 1, before receiving a homogeneous consistency. So that the mixture looked bright and beautifully, it is unfolded at different tanks and add to each of your dye. For this, any paints are suitable - watercolor, gouache.

The stucco can be decorated with plates, hauling them with napkins so that the surface does not slide when contact with foam. Another interesting option is to make bulk drawings from foam with glue and hang into the frame, after complete drying, sufficiently one day. As a result, the original subject of the interior will be obtained, over which it is possible to work independently or with the participation of children who will gladly take care.

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Pictures on the windows

On the eve of the holiday, people decorate their home, creating a festive atmosphere. One option is to decorate windows. For this, the foam is squeezed into the container, dyes add to it and stirred to a homogeneous consistency. Drawings are applied with hands or rollers, you can use stencils. Draw adults and children.

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

At the end of the holidays, foam is easy to rinse with water. The plus will be a protective water-repellent layer.

Ways to use foam in the interior a lot. They all proved their effectiveness and allow you to save your budget and decorate the house.

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Mixed food soda and shaving foam, that's what happened (1 video)

Shaving Foam: Interior Decoration (14 photos)

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

Unusual application options for shaving foam in the interior

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