Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips


To live in the house and keep clean in it is very difficult. Of course, you can regularly wash the floors, wipe dust and fold things, such manipulations are not able to maintain perfect order and purity. Some items symbolize about living in the house of people, making it alive. The interior suffers from this, so it is necessary to send the strength to eliminate the shortcomings so that the house looks, beautiful and gently, as from the cover of new-fashioned magazines. There are five main problems of life of the sprouting interior.

Magnets on the refrigerator

The refrigerator usually stands in the kitchen or in the corridor and is in the spotlight, attracts glances. Most people hang on the refrigerator a variety of magnets - with recreation, gift or children's. The interior is suffering from this and becomes lit.

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

It is not worth refusing to magnets. It is enough to buy a magnetic board and hang it at any suitable place in any room and hang on it magnets. The board will be a bright accent of the interior and will make it a highlight. If necessary, the magnets are easy to replace and update the interior.


Dishwashing liquid, sponge, powder, toothbrushes, gels for the soul, shampoos - all this is in the most prominent places in the house. First of all, it is a sink, washbasin, bathroom board. The question arises - why think the design of the apron, tiles above the bathroom to the smallest detail if all the beauty is covered with multi-colored jars and bubbles with chemistry.

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

It is enough to hide all accessories nearby, equipping small drawers or freeing the shelves next to the bathroom and sink. Additionally, you can pick up rags and sponges under the color of finishing materials or countertops. Chemistry is easy to pour into the prepared containers decorated in the style of the room.

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Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

Ironing board

Often it stands on the most prominent in the room, as things have to stroke regularly, but to hide and get it all the time is inconvenient, and even do it inconvenient. Sometimes the board is folded and put for a wardrobe, where it looks out and instantly rushes into the eyes.

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

To eliminate the problem, you can hide the ironing board into the closet or use transforming models that are easy to fold and disassemble.

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

Shoes in the hallway

In a family consisting of several people, it is difficult to place shoes in places and it stands at the entrance itself, having a free passage and port of the interior.

You can solve this problem by purchasing a spacious and comfortable shoe, intended for storing shoes, which is regularly worn. In stores there are plenty of models - narrow and wide, high and low, with or without seat.

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

Shoes not for the season it is better to hide away in a closet or a sofa, settling each pair on a separate box and signing them.

Scattered toys

With scattered toys are familiar with all parents who grow small children. As soon as the parents gather toys, the child will immediately scatter again. You can just wait until the child is growing and stop throwing toys, but it will take a lot of time and it will be time to rewor repairs again.

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

It is impossible to prohibit the child to play, one option remains - create the right storage conditions. The child does not need to get all the toys at the same time, much better and more convenient to periodically change them. Psychologists assure that in a few weeks the child forgets toys and their alternate change contributes not to annoying. For this, toys are separated by bags and alternately get them with an interval of 2-3 weeks.

The interior spoils sports equipment, scattered things, textile oversupply and much more. It is enough to create the right storage conditions and teach all family members to order.

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Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

Why life spoils interior and how to fix it: top 5 tips

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