What do you need moldings in the interior


Recently, new elements have appeared for interior decoration, among which are Moldings from polyurethane. They are needed to decorate walls and ceilings, masking technological seams, visual correction of the size and proportions of building structures. Inexpensive polyurethane planks have a small weight, so it is easy to mounted with glue, serve for a long time, looks in the room neatly and stylish.

Features of polyurethane molding

Polyurethane polyurethane moldings are decorative strips that are widely used for the finishing of the premises. Their surface can be convex or concave, with a terrain, rhythmic pattern or smooth. The elements are produced by casting a viscous synthetic polymer polymer polymer (PPU) in the form. Molding dimensions are different - in width from 2 to 20 cm, the length of the plank is cut into segments, convenient in the processing. Almost weightless material is easily cut by a conventional building knife, while it is quite durable so that the surface does not appear on the surface from mechanical shocks.

There are different moldings from polyurethane. Distinguish products by several parameters:

  • - wall, ceiling, arched;
  • - direct planks, round, angular elements;
  • - cornices, plinths, sockets;
  • - There are Chinese models and European production.

Molding Europlast differs from Chinese samples greater density, clear geometry, less deformed, it is better to color.

What do you need moldings in the interior

Pros and cons

Polyurethane moldings have advantages over analogues:
  • . Due to the small weight, the plank is easy to mount on the object. The elements glued to the base are tightly held, do not peel, do not pose a threat to others during fall.
  • . Sufficient elastic parts are easily bent, do not break, after installation they keep the form well.
  • . This is a budgetary finishing material.
  • . Polyurethane interior decor is made of environmentally friendly polymer.

The minus is that polyurethane is flammable material, so moldings are not installed next to heating devices and traditional lighting sources.

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As used in the interior

The decorative wall decoration with polyurethane moldings is appropriate in any interiors - decorated in a classic, modern or historical style. They are installed in the joints of the walls with a ceiling or floor, above the door, window openings. They are glued to the flat walls for zoning: they allocate a plot that painted into another color or differs in texture, mimic the boundaries of the wall panel, make frames for the framing, mirrors, panels, posters. Elements are easy to color, so they are also used for alteration of furniture: stick as decor on the facades, make a decorative framework.

Polyurethane Moldings are a simple way that does not require large expenditures. The way the interior is stylish and modern, hide the construction defects, disguise the technological joints.

  • What do you need moldings in the interior
  • What do you need moldings in the interior
  • What do you need moldings in the interior
  • What do you need moldings in the interior
  • What do you need moldings in the interior

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