Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie


Chanel was not only a talented designer of clothes, but with a sophisticated taste shuting the interior of his house. The film "Coco to Chanel" is a bright confirmation. Events unfold in the country house Gabriel, where she meets the Russian composer Stravinsky. How to bring in the interior of your housing with notes Chanel and add elegance decor further.

  1. Determine the color. Chanel loved his black color, she did not consider him mourning. She considered him exquisite, and after the death of his beloved attached his special meaning to black. But paint all the walls in this color is not worth it. In the film itself, the black does not act as the main color in the interior, it seems to frame the overall picture, emphasizes the sophistication and style of Chanel. Walls can be painted in white or milk, and it is necessary to identify the boundary patterns, and you can also select black curtains or windows frame. On such a contrast background, bright accessories will be excellent. But if you want to completely copy the interior of the film, then from other colors will have to abandon.
  2. Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie
    Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

    Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

    1. On the floor only tile. In the film, the contrast and at the same time, the discreet color of the walls supports the ceramic tiles on the floor, it is posted intricate patterns that complement the overall picture of the interior. For interpretation in ordinary life, the tile can be seal only in the hallway and in all of the corrid. You will have to try to look for tiles with patterns, a la Moroccan motifs, because the standard tile for marble will not fit.

    Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

    Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

    1. In choosing furniture, give preference to models from a dark tree. Textiles should also solo black and white, a small tonality may be possible, for example, in a gray and silver shade. So that the interior does not become very boring and strict, add the pattern in the textile sofa, curtains, pillows.

    Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

    Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

    1. Talismans. Many guests of the House Chanel confessed. That they are hard to stay in his walls. All the time it seems that a thousand eyes of endless frogs, dogs and other mascots are observed. In the film, this nuance was also taken into account, although the talismans are not striking. You can also supplement the interior of your room with such trifles, just choose talismans made of good material, gold or silver shades, they will perfectly fit into the flower gamut.

    Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

    Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

    1. Mirrors. Chanel, as a true woman and designer loved the mirrors. In the film, its entire bedroom is filled with mirrors and mirror surfaces. It chose the framing for them from the metal, and the mirrors themselves are clear forms. You can hang a beautiful mirror for tripods to your interior, as well as make a mirror ceiling. Such interior will be very stylish and sophisticated.

    Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

    Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

    1. Lamps. The interior is so filled with patterns, and so that it does not lose better choose the lamps of simple forms. Color only beige or white, in the latter case it is less practical, but so exquisitely and clean, right in the style of Great Chanel. Try to fill the room muted, practically intimate, light, use not only chandeliers, but also beautiful fabric lampshairs or bedside lamps are made of translucent fabric.

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Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

We described the main aspects of the interior from the film. Imagine Great Gabrielle, while not losing my own individuality is very difficult, there is a risk to make a full copy of the house from the film. Also, such an interior can not cost cheap, the luxury that Chanel loved so much could not be budget, and she did not recognize the fake and thought it was a horselessness.

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Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

Coco to Chanel: Imprieve exclusive design from the movie

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