How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors


The bedroom is designed for rest and privacy. Therefore, the design should differ from other rooms in the house. It is not necessary to resort to the help of professional designers and pay them, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the main mistakes that people admit when choosing a bedroom decor.

Mirror on the whole wall

The mirror can visually enlarge the room and fill it with light, ease and air. But the bedroom is not the best option, especially if it reflects the bed - the mirror on the whole wall or ceiling. Waking up a person can harm the psyche, imagining shadows and other fantasies. It depends on the imagination and emotional state. The followers of Fen-Shuya agree with this - the sleeping person should not be reflected in the mirror. This negatively affects its biofield. If you put a mirror in the room, then away from the bed.

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

This rule applies to popular wardrobes. It is better if the doors are with a photo printing or one mirror door, driven by a door of non-reflective material.

Similar curtains and bedspreads

Curtains are a mandatory attribute of any room, in particular and bedrooms. They must be combined with other textiles in the bedroom, but this does not mean that they should exactly repeat the material and the flag pattern, this is not relevant and strange. They have a different function and should not choose one material for the manufacture of plaid and curtains.

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

Pictures on the whole wall

Family photos, paintings, crafts - they are not a place in the bedroom. It is enough to hang on the wall of several paintings or put a photo on the chest or bedside table. The remaining images are better hidden or hang in the living room or office.

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How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

Carpet over the bed

In the Soviet past, the carpets have fun in all rooms. They decorated the walls and floors, insulated them. Today, such a decor is not appropriate, therefore it is necessary to refuse him as soon as possible. You can hang a picture, panel, poster or decorate the vacant place.

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

The carpet can be left on the floor, or rather two small rugs on two sides of the bed. They are nice to become legs after awakening.

Decorative pillows

The whole bed is covered with decorative pillows - why? They will have to constantly shift if desired to rest or before bedtime. Moreover, there is a rule - no more than 4 pieces on the bed. This is enough for a comfortable and full rest. They will complement the interior comfort and comfort.

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

Furniture overabundancy

The size of the room plays an important role, but it should be spacious and the passage should be to all objects of furniture and beds on both sides. Be sure to put a bed and a wardrobe in the bedroom. If the place allows you can put the chest of drawers and bedside tables.

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

Lack of lighting devices

There should be several light sources in the bedroom - to create an intimate setting, reading books, handicrafts or other affairs. An ordinary chandelier is replaced with point lights around the perimeter of the room, if the area is not big, and on the edges of the bed, the sconces hang or put lamps. It all depends on the lifestyle of residents at home.

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors


This applies to a number of things. First of all, order in the room. All things should lie in their places, otherwise it will be impossible to consider the cozy atmosphere and the style of the room. It is worth considering the storage systems in advance.

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

The other side is the presence of a mass of useless things taken from different styles and placed in the most prominent places. Therefore, they should be hidden, and if they are especially expensive - to arrange the style of the room.

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The overall perception of the room, its comfort, comfort depends on the decor in the bedroom. Not so easy to choose to choose. But if you exclude common errors, you can supplement the interior without prejudice to its main purpose - rest.

5 Soviets for creating comfort in the bedroom | Lesh Studio (1 video)

Bedroom decor errors (14 photos)

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

How no need to choose a bedroom decor - 8 major errors

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