Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre


Egor Creavers conquered the hearts of all the countries of the country not only a pleasant voice, but also an attractive appearance. Naturally, any of his fan wants to find out about the life of a beloved singer as much as possible. Today, we will find out what the apartment of Egor Crea looks like.

Where does the artist live?

Egor Cre, he is also not married to Yegor Bulakin, and does not yet have such chic cottages, like his "teacher" of Timati. You can find a huge number of photos on which Yegor is depicted in a chic apartment with modern design, but it has nothing to do with its real estate. Despite the fact that the singer is in the seventh place in the list of the richest people in the world according to the Journal of Forbes, he never acquired his own housing.

One-bedroom apartment in a residential area of ​​Moscow, in which the artist periodically lives, belongs to his sister Polina, who left live in Los Angeles. From the side - a typical bachelor of the berroda with the lack of pathos and the ponts, which are characteristic of the entire Black Star team. Here he lives in the period when he wants to be alone, which is characteristic of any person, especially the artist.

Especially housing is no different from any housing of the average residential inheritance. The color of the walls in the room is white, not black, as it comes in a popular song at the moment, and at the floor is minor laminate.

Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

Interior items

Since in a bachelor's nele, it is rare, there are no excesses in the apartment. In the bedroom, he posted the paintings that Mama Petrovna drew his mother, and put gifts from their fans on the kitchen cabinets. For a long time in the apartment, no one has dwells, as Egor lived with his girlfriend - the popular singer Nyusha. But in 2019, their relationship came to the end and the crum returned back to the bachelor burgrel.

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Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

In addition, the singer brought from the native city of Penza, his former PC, on which he has long played in the counter strike. The main feature of the device is that Egor puts his first songs into it.

Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

There is little furniture in the kitchen, since Egor constantly in motion and simply be preparing for him.

The room has an old piano, which helps the artist overcome the periods of sadness or the opposite will cheer up and create a new masterpiece when inspiration finds. Egor from small years is fond of music.

Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

What hides behind the walls of the rooms?

Since Egor is actively engaged in sports, its apartment has its own sports hall in his apartment. In a small room with a beautiful view of the capital of Russia, the singer overwhelmed the columns on the walls to work with dumbbells under favorite music. Their in the room is a decent amount.

In addition to the gym, in the bachelor socket there is a self-recording studio with a small amount of tools. In this room, he creates his new works.

Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre


Making a conclusion, we can say that the crid in his life lived:

  • Parents, in the hometown of Penza;
  • In a two-room apartment Polina;
  • in apartments from their girls;
  • In the Nyushi rustic cottage.

Parents of Crea, Nikolai Borisovich and Marina Petrovna, live in Penza and have their own business. It is associated with the processing of walnuts. They have a private house, which is furnished in the highest standard and tastefully.

Today, Egor has no real estate, both in the Russian Federation and abroad. Although the singer and has a decent income, its own living space, he is not solved yet. But the crum is still young and he is still ahead. Perhaps he is still enough bachelor's sockets.

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Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

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Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

Mood Color Black: Interior of Egor Cre

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