How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev


Valery Georgiev is the artistic director of the Mariinsky Theater, famous for the whole world. The Honored Worker of the Culture of St. Petersburg was allocated in 2005 a plot for the construction of giving. Construction lasted three years and ended in 2019.

Interesting interior ideas and enchanting conceptual decisions The project created the famous architect Xavier Fabr, a friend of meter living in France.

Mansion Valery Georgiev - a new concert hall or residential building?

About what is happening in Repino, there were different rumors. In the official media periodically appeared notes on the unfolded construction of the concert hall of the Mariinsky Theater. Jacob Georgiev has conceived a room designed for 100-150 people for his own means.

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

There is a deal of truth in it. Luxury mansion spread out 2500 square meters. At the same time, budget money was allocated for building 500 square meters. The remaining 150 million has made a cultural worker.

Country house in the resort area is divided into two parts:

  • housing;
  • Public, where concerts are planned.

The main elements of the design of the house Georgiev

The design is presented in the style of "Geometric Modern". Each architectural component traced uniqueness. The facade of the building is made in muted tobacco and pearl gray shades.

For cottages with modernist features, such external features are characterized:

  • Doors and windows are strictly rectangular shape (some on the whole wall, resemble showcases);
  • skillful use of steel, reinforced concrete, as well as a combination of materials of a smooth texture;
  • Lack of floral decor.

Interior decoration of dacha

Those who had a chance to visit the meter of Georgiyev, mark the magnificent interior of the residential part of the cottage. The elements of the Concept of Modern is considered:

  • Landmark for the framing of walls, windows, doorways and lighting devices with solid trees;

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How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

  • lack of symmetry in the placement of furniture;
  • unobtrusive transition of lines;
  • windows in the form of stained glass (in addition, the door and interior partitions are decorated with stained glass windows);

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

  • Separate metal elements, but only as decor;

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

  • Minimum amount of textiles, solely for functional purposes;
  • Facing the walls with liquid wallpaper;

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

  • premises of different sizes and forms performed in sandy, cream and peach gamma;
  • The presence of bright accents in red, lemon and fuchsia.

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

In panoramic windows of the guest room, heavy curtains made of natural fabric. Residential premises are striking by their scoring and skillfully separated by the designer on the zone with the help of partitions. Little, but at the same time, sufficient lighting provides modern style chandeliers, sconce and floor lamps.

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

There is not a single extra furniture object. Chairs, chairs, sofas functional and most stylized, are made of elite varieties of wood with glass inserts. An unusually gracefully looks like a table with a massive worktop located on thin forged legs of a bizarre form.

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

General design trends in the house Valeria Georgiev

Walls of the residential part of the cottage are plastered and painted. This is, according to designers, the most successful solution. Over time, update and refresh the interior, without changing the concept, you can with the help of neutral wallpapers devoid of drawing.

The floor is covered with Italian dark color gamut laminate with bleaching effect. Luxury rooms add pleasant to the touch carpets.

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

Furniture is decorated with chic wooden details. Cabinets are massive, but more cubs have a wardrobe with a stained door. Accessories repeat the tone of the surfaces and selected in the style of minimalism.

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

In the concert hall, there were no events yet, so his design is still a mystery.

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Interior like a famous conductor (14 photos)

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

How the conductor lives: House Design Valery Gergiev

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