4 errors in the design of the room with flowers


What will help bring paints in a dull interior? Flowers! A piece of nature in the room will not precisely hurt, and you can even place it in a small apartment. The advantage of colors: This is a universal decor, inscribing in almost all styles - Provence, Classic, Modern, Shebbi-Chic, Scandinavian style.

Why you should decorate the interior with flowers

  1. Plants and flowers are able to transform the interior, make the atmosphere in the house cozy.
  2. Flowers help create an emphasis on any part of the room, visually split the space, disguise design errors.
  3. Flowers - a suitable decor that creates a sense of completion.
  4. Feed flowers under the color of textiles / decorative elements, you will create a color balance and harmony.
  5. Flowers improve microclimate, possess beneficial properties. For example, lavender normalizes sleep and improves mood.
  6. Flowers filters (pelargonium, anthurium) help clean air. Of course, they will not make the air perfect, but there are benefits from them.

Do not buy flowers containing toxic substances, and do not forget that some flowers can cause allergies.

It is not recommended to use options with a sharp and strong smell as decor, as they will negatively affect overall well-being, they can cause headache and dizziness. But when decorating the premises with flowers, be guided by phytodizain rules and do not allow the following errors.

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

Error №1

There is a golden middle rule, which you need to stick here. It makes no sense to turn your house in a greenhouse (of course, if you are not an agar plants lover). So, you simply reduce the space and create a lot of work, because the flowers are capricious and require careful care. It is enough to put 2-3 pots or vases in the room, and it immediately acquires a different look.

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What to do owners of a small apartment? Use suspension porridges and pots that allow you to save space as much as possible. Usually there are no decorative elements on the walls, so the pots perfectly fit there.

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

Error number 2.

Improper location. You need to take into account in what room and what flowers are you going to put. So, for the kitchen, pick up thermal-loving options and do not put them around the plates, ovens, refrigerators. Check whether the flowers are speciable. If so, then definitely place them on the windowsill or near large windows. Do not place pots backdrop, otherwise the flowers will interfere with each other.

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

Error number 3.

Wrong selection of pots. Designers recommend choosing the same or similar pots for plants. For example, they can be of the same color, are made of one material. This will allow you to withstand the interior in one style and avoid beamless and disharmony.

When choosing pots and VAZ, focus on the style in which the room is framed:

  • For high-tech and modern, metallic options will suit;
  • For classics and minimalism - ceramic;
  • for country and provence - wooden;
  • Glass helps to give the room ease and airiness.

Choose the inconspicuous options, because the vases should emphasize the beauty of flowers, and not draw attention to yourself. Agree that the Chinese vase with luxurious painting is not suitable for flowers. She acts as an independent interior object.

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers
High tech
4 errors in the design of the room with flowers
4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

Error number 4.

Do not forget about the prospect! Establish large pots at the end of the room or in the corners. Little vases place in the center or inlet. So, the room will visually expand, the prospect will be created. Especially relevant for those who have a small apartment.

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

Plants in the interior of the apartment (1 video)

Interior errors with flowers (14 photos)

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

4 errors in the design of the room with flowers

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