Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl


Each girl wants to have a small island of Comfort and Relax. Where it will be possible to retire and be alone with you, with your thoughts. Fortunately, there is such a place - this is a "bedroom". However, this place is not perfectly comfortable and cozy for full-fledged landscading. After all, it is necessary to equip it, and approach the furniture that will correspond to the taste, it's not a simple matter. And in this article, there will be an answer to the question - "How to arrange a beautiful bedroom for a girl?". Let us open in detail all chips and secrets for perfect design.

Be sure to take into account the taste and wishes of the hostess, and act according to its opinion.

Room zoning

First of all, it is necessary to divide and note the zones to which it belongs: the work area, sleeping and corner of beauty. For the girl, it is important, not only beauty, but also the functionality of the room.

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Selection of color gamma

With the branch of the room sorted out. After, proceed with the selection of the color palette for the design of the bedroom. According to the advice of designers - the interior, it is recommended to choose no more than 3 colors, and one of them should be the main one. For a young girl, tender and pastel tones are suitable. In addition, bright shades will make a room visually more.

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Selection of paint or wallpaper

Deciding with furniture, respectively, it is necessary to pick up the wallpaper or a kel. In this case, both are suitable. If it is difficult to determine if choosing, you can choose paint and wallpaper. Such an idea will look unusual. The main thing is that in the end the design of the walls and the room looked beautiful and harmoniously.

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Selection of furniture

When choosing a furniture, an important rule is that, it should not take a lot of space. It is better to bring the interior to a minimum. The greater the place, the better. The free zone can be left for creativity. As for the furniture palette, the main thing here is a combination of colors and functionality.

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Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Church selection

The selection of curtains requires proper supervision, and most importantly is the material. You need to select them so that they are combined in color with the interior and room design. When choosing a fabric, you need to pay attention to the environment, strength and reliability of the material. Types of popular curtains: Elements with Ryushki - add romanticism. Roman style - bring elegance. Lambreks - look elegant.

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Space Sleep and Leisure

Recreation and sleep area is very important. After all, here she is resting and gaining strength. This means that it is necessary to accommodively approach the choice of beds and other cozy accessories. Depending on the room area, you need to place a bed or folding sofa. Such a part of the bedroom, separate with the help of a canor or shirma. This will not only play a role in the separation of the room, but also give beauty and comfort.

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl


One of the main parts in the bedroom of the girl is a work zone. So that she paid proper interest to development. First of all, you need to pick up the desktop and place closer to the window. Also a comfortable chair or armchair. Additionally, you will need several bookshelves and bedside tables. It is preferable that the furniture material is made of wood and light shade.

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Beauty corner

No less important in the girl's room. Beauty corner. You need to choose a dressing table with a large mirror, where it will put them in order. Better will be a table with couches, where you can put cosmetics and other trinkets. Also, you need to put a chairs or the otfik. Girls without such a corner in the room - no way.

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Accessories for room

It will not be superfluous to complement the bedroom with beautiful accessories. Options: You can hang a picture on the wall suitable for the interior and design. Pillows of different shapes. Unusual figurines and vases, they will give comfort and luxury.

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Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

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Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

Women's secrets: how to make an ideal bedroom for a girl

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