Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019


New Year dictates new rules and directions in design and style. 2019 year no exception. Therefore, people who make repairs or are going to make adjustments to their dwelling can follow new fashioned trends and make their home trendy and modern.

Changes in fashion trends capture absolutely all spheres, including lighting devices.

Lighting is an important element of the house, be it natural or artificial. Without them, it is impossible to fully live. It can embody the most bold and extraordinary ideas. Without it, it is impossible to imagine life, so it is worth thinking in advance to all the smallest detail and take the right decision. If you take seriously to the selection, you can emphasize the merits of the room and hide its disadvantages.

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

As you can see fashion, everything is gradually returned and thus can observe a certain cyclicality. This also applies to lighting devices. In 2019, rustic chandeliers entered into fashion, adding the modern design of primitiveness and naturalness. But in the new year, the direction is changing radically, this is manifested in:

  1. Geometric motifs. Straight, clear and confident lines - this is what primarily sets the style and directs it. These are conservative devices, without sophisticated curls and ornaments, simple and concise forms. They fit perfectly into most modern styles and easily echo with the surrounding objects, repeating their forms;

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

  1. Combining several materials. 2019 happy with the abundance of all sorts of materials, which will be in the trend. Some remain at the peak of popularity for many years, others are returned in a few years of oblivion. Lighting can proceed from plastic, glass, metal, wooden, fabric appliances. Particularly creative and originally, the combined models will look - wood and glass, textiles and plastic and any other combinations. The main thing to attract attention and look symmetrically and appropriate;

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Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

  1. Color. Today is black in fashion, it is used to create fashionable lamps. Black - stylish, respectable, balanced and universal color. It is used in many styles and complements them. It is combined with bright and pastel colors, so it's not difficult to choose a companion to him;

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

  1. Number. The more, the better - this rule is valid for a long time and has proven its utility and relevance. Far behind the times when one source of light was used to illuminate the room. It is worth consider different devices for lighting. They will create a special atmosphere and zonate space, making it more playful and solemn. This is a chandelier and a few wall scavenk or point lights around the perimeter and floor lamp in the corner of the room. The main part of the combination of all devices.

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

How to choose?

When it became known what lamps in fashion can be told about the correctness of their choice. First you need to decide on the room - the use, purpose and style of the room.

If the room has a fairly large area worth consider several types of lighting. Each will be used for certain actions. For study and work requires bright and focused lighting, and moderate is moderate to view movies or tea drinking.

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

Choosing a fashionable lamp it is important to remember that soon it will come out of fashion and will become an ordinary lighting device. Before buying a fashionable and expensive device, it is all good to think about. The lamp must first fulfill its main purpose and combine with the style of the room where it will be used.

Fashionable light 2019 (14 photos)

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

Supreme light: Fashion lamps 2019

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