How to copy the interior from "50 shades of gray"


"50 shades of gray" - the British erotic novel of the writer E. L. James. Suddenly, for everyone, the novel immediately after the exit was widely publicized, and now, wears the Statute "Cult". After the release of the book, a film was followed, which helped to show the life of the chief hero of Christian Gray.

His penthouse is filled with luxury and has its own individual style.


It is in this room that the elevator comes out, and this room is the biggest area. Walls beige, made under natural stone. The floor is mainly made of brown marble, but there are inserts with white and gray. Paul plays a big role in the room - he divides the room at sectors.

How to copy the interior from

How to copy the interior from

How to copy the interior from

How to copy the interior from

How to copy the interior from

Living room

Right opposite the large panoramic window, in the section with a white floor there is a place to relax and meetings with people. There are two dark brown sofas with one red pillow, as well as two chairs. Nearby is a coffee table (also from marble). On it - candles that attach comfort and heat.

Further, in the corner itself there is another place to stay. Here the sofa stands close to the wall, joining it. The sofa is very narrow, with an abundance of pillows, and next to it is a table made from natural cutting of a tree. There are vases from clay and a couple of books on this table. On the side of the sofa, the shelves hang, on one there are sculptures from a metal, resembling heads from the island of Easter, under them a deer horns, and then a stack of books.

The next sector separated by the floor is a place for piano. The piano is closer to the window, and near the sofa and two chairs.

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How to copy: Christian Gray appreciates space, so the furniture is located at a distance of each other. The furniture itself is only with smooth lines, the sofas are upholstered with a cloth. Gray loves natural materials - stone and tree. The light is always muffled. There are paintings of modern artists and sculptors.

How to copy the interior from

How to copy the interior from

How to copy the interior from

Kitchen and dining room

The kitchen is small and compact. It looks like this because part of the furniture is mounted in the wall. The rest of the furniture is not enough. The floor is the same as in the main room. The whole design is made of dark wood and steel, with a characteristic gloss.

Use small interior items. In this case, the small details include photos on the wall and a green plant next to the window.

Cristian Shelf with wine. She will definitely help make it look like.

Quite ordinary. Table table, and chairs are gray, soft fabric. There are two paintings, in size occupying almost the entire wall.

How to copy the interior from

How to copy the interior from


Paul and walls predominantly made of mahogany. Bed with smooth transitions and monotonous bed lodges. There are two carpet - white and tiger.

Important. The most important board for arranging the house in the style of "50 shades of gray" - use the minimum of furniture or make the distance between it the largest. So the house looks easier and spacious.

How to copy the interior from

How to copy the interior from


Bright and spacious. The bathroom itself is in the center of the room. Big windows.

Mr. Gray is caught by himself and does it part. Therefore, near the sink is worth a lot of jars and tubes with which he enjoys.

Especially for film fans, the company that has released the film has made a special site. An interactive panorama is located on this site, with the help of which each person can "take a walk" at home Gray and inspect everything in detail.

To create an interior, how Christian Gray does not need to have a big budget. All that is required is to use natural materials and smooth lines. Furniture should be a bit and it should be at a distance. Plus, it should be soft, upholstered with a cloth. The light in the penthouse is always muted. You should not forget about art objects - Gray appreciates modern style, so in his house there are many paintings and figurines.

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How to copy the interior from

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How to copy the interior from

How to copy the interior from

How to copy the interior from

How to copy the interior from

How to copy the interior from

How to copy the interior from

How to copy the interior from

How to copy the interior from

How to copy the interior from

How to copy the interior from

How to copy the interior from

How to copy the interior from

How to copy the interior from

How to copy the interior from

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