Shades in design that can spoil intimate life


The bedroom is a room intended for rest and privacy. In it, a person spends a long part of the time. It should be cozy, comfortable and resting to rest. The main place in it is occupied by a bed in which people not only sleep, but also amenable to sexual joy. It all depends on the mood of partners, their family relationships and character. The color palette used in design is of great importance.

For people for a long time, it is known that the colors affect the person in different ways. Therefore, when applying for a home it is worth paying special attention to the color, and in particular the bedroom. Wrong color can cause a caused in a family and lead to sexual decline, loss of interest. One color flies and pushes on sexual feats, and the other acts on the contrary. Couples who want to make an intimate life bright and saturated should be familiar with the main shades that are negatively affecting the relationship so that in the future it is not encountered with problems of different character and scale.

Color characteristics

In the interior, there must be 2 or 3 main colors. One color will cause discomfort and instead of a positive effect will have a negative effect. Colors are perceived by different people in different ways. When clearing the bedroom, the nature of partners takes into account their tendency to certain actions and temperament.

Here are the basic colors that it is worth using extremely carefully and carefully:

1. Red - bright, passionate, aggressive. It suits people with a strong temperament and volitional character. The rest should be limited to the use of color to a minimum, otherwise he will crush his energy, will cause depression, stress, nervous breakdowns and unjustified aggression, will strengthen the feeling of anxiety and respond to love with classes, sending all the energy to thinking about the current situation. Red is considered a symbol of passion, suitable in limited quantities, people with a strong character;

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Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

2. Arange is associated with the sun and kindness, slows downs and reduces mental activity if it is incorrectly combined and apply;

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

3. Seven - the color of good and cheerfulness. It establishes friendly relations in the family, reduces the number of quarrels, so it is suitable for pairs that often conflict. It is used in combinations with other colors, since the oversupply of yellow will lead to a frivolous behavior outside the walls of the house, and this is not necessary for anyone;

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

4. Siny is calm, noble and harmonious. He configures to solitude for reflection. Suitable for loyal and loyal partners who are ready for dialogue. The color does not allow to reveal and release their fantasies on the will, which will be forever in thoughts.

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

5. Clear - stylish and confident. Suitable to persons with male leaders who have a strong will. If a person with a weak power of will and not confident in herself will live in the room, he will destroy the personal world of the partner at the moral level, will humiliate it and ignore him in every way;

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

6. White - universal color. Used in all styles and combines absolutely with any color. Use it in the interior of the bedroom must be extremely careful. It refers to cold colors, so it will be difficult to warm up in the arms of each other. This is a conservative and light color in which there is no heat, comfort, liberty and friendliness, so family couples wishing to extend the relationship worth limiting the use of color;

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

7.Sero - is used mainly to dilute more brighter and rich colors. By nature, gray is a middle between white and black, combining them in itself. This is a reliable color that does not give partners to change each other, but at the same time it will destroy them from the Nutria, not allowing to fully liberate. They will feel the shortage of proximity and change, but can not do anything. Therefore, gray should be used with brighter and causing colors.

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Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

As it can be seen to choose the style and the color you like is not enough to keep the bedroom to all needs. It is worth analyzing each color and its character and choose the main colors for finishing the room. This will extend intimate life and relationship in general.

Favorable bedroom colors. Separate sunny (1 video)

Colors in the bedroom for spouses (14 photos)

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

Shades in design that can spoil intimate life

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