What could you miss during the repair room


The price of error during the repair of residential premises is high. These are not only financial losses, but also household inconvenience, and that is very unpleasant, internal discontent, manifested in irritation, bad mood. It is worth understanding the characteristic errors in other people's examples so that when organizing its own space and design the room, do not repeat them. Conditionally, you can select the following problems that need to pay special attention to:

  • planning errors;
  • incorrect installation of engineering communications;
  • Designer miscalculations;
  • poor quality finish.

Access to a large number of information on the topic of repairs can play a cruel joke. The most interesting project on the screen is turning into an uncomfortable, ugly room. All of the fact that minor at first glance is allowed in proportions, color, finishing material. You can avoid such errors, if you follow the rules, we will talk about below.


Any repairs must begin with a sketch. It is done only after accurate meal of the room, furniture items, interior elements. Figure, the plan is performed on a scale, up to a centimeter. Arbitrary drawing without taking into account the size of the room and furniture dimensions, almost certainly leads to an error. Special attention is paid to the project when redeveloping housing. Changes in the configuration of the room can be both a plus and minus.

What could you miss during the repair room

After drawing up a preliminary plan, you need to enable imagination and represent it is convenient to use housing. Are there a bedroom right? Is it comfortable to use the bathroom and toilet? Will be calm in a nursery or room for the elderly. Sometimes such visualization of the project helps to identify the shortcomings and cons of planning.

What could you miss during the repair room

Planning include the cost of the event. Deciding with the materials, you need to know the cost and make the estimate. It is necessary to do this with the possible tolerances and waste. As a rule, experienced builders calculate the approximate cost of actual quadrature, and then add 20-30% to the amount obtained. This is normal, sometimes there is not enough such stock. You need to be ready for this.

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What could you miss during the repair room

Incorrect installation of engineering communications

Errors of this category can hide the life of tenants. The scheme for holding standard engineering routes is not always convenient. Especially in the old residential foundation, where there can be only one outlet in the room, and that in an uncomfortable place, and the conclusions of the sewage are located two meters from the riser. All work on the formation of communication routes is made before finishing. They are divided into the following types:

  • power supply and lighting;
  • ventilation;
  • heating;
  • Water supply and sewage.

What could you miss during the repair room

What could you miss during the repair room

What could you miss during the repair room

What could you miss during the repair room

Each type of work requires well-thought-out solutions. Consultation with a specialist, or immersion in the subject of additional information, is desirable.

One of the main errors is the incorrect determination of the quantity and place placement of sockets. Almost all household appliances, gadgets that firmly entered our lives need to be connected to the network. Power sources must be easily accessible.

Designer miscalculations

Perhaps the most delicate category of errors associated not with technical, but with aesthetic problems. Creative approach, artistic taste not measuring tape measure. Insecurity causes some people to copy successful projects. This is the root of the problem. Small changes in proportions, the color can radically change the visual impression of the room. An individual designer project is developed taking into account the characteristics of the room, the location of light sources, the quality of furniture and accessories.

You can avoid color compatibility errors using the ITTEN circle. Convenient crib when interior design. The circle divided into sectors shows which colors it is possible to combine, and which is not.

What could you miss during the repair room

What could you miss during the repair room

What could you miss during the repair room

When making a project, it is better to consult with a person who has a sense of taste. It should not be a professional designer. The interiors made by conventional people may not give up quality to the best examples of specialists. The natural feeling of the beautiful, the mixture can be a good helper. But the standard solutions of some professionals will not always come to the customer.

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Embossed finishing finish

You can destroy the most beautiful idea if it is not correct to implement it. The main load during finishing lies on the artist, so when choosing the master, the preference is worth sending someone's work to be seen. Respecting professional always has a portfolio, or can invite the customer to be convinced of the work performed. Many customers are not against when the master who made a job will ask to show the result to future customers. Failure to submit an example should alert.

The situation is often found when the performer begins to impose his ideas, materials and technologies. So it is more convenient and easier for him. Sometimes it is justified, since experience allows you to define errors and specify the customer to them. But more often changes in the plan are associated with facilitating operations, which leads to deplorable results. The owner of the housing is dissatisfied, but he agreed to the proposed conditions. It is necessary to insist on a clear execution of the project, if this is a thoughtful solution.

What could you miss during the repair room

What could you miss during the repair room

What could you miss during the repair room

Elementary knowledge of working with construction materials will help control the finishing process. If the Contractor violates the step-by-step instruction placed on the packaging of the material, whatever he motivated, then he should say about it. Therefore, it is reasonable to personally familiarize yourself with the technologies of work, modes, tips and recommendations. Not even being a professional, it is not difficult to do it. Without the skills of the construction operations, you can perfectly control their execution. Then the tile will be laid smoothly, and the paint will be without drowshes, and the wallpaper without bubbles.

15 errors allowed when repairing an apartment. Everyone should know (1 video)

Repair of an apartment without errors (14 photos)

What could you miss during the repair room

What could you miss during the repair room

What could you miss during the repair room

What could you miss during the repair room

What could you miss during the repair room

What could you miss during the repair room

What could you miss during the repair room

What could you miss during the repair room

What could you miss during the repair room

What could you miss during the repair room

What could you miss during the repair room

What could you miss during the repair room

What could you miss during the repair room

What could you miss during the repair room

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