Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)


Vertical surfaces in housing are the largest. The total area of ​​their area significantly exceeds the same floor indicator and ceiling together. In addition, they are always in sight. Therefore, approaching their finish should be with special care. Errors will be visible immediately, and fixes their complex and costly, both financially and in time. Understanding the problem will help achieve a good result at a minimum of expenses.

Selection of paint

The range of building materials is enormous today. In each category hundreds of items. Not exception and paint. Understand the features of each product will help an understanding of the nature of the manufacture. Four main categories should be selected from the set of species;

  1. Water soluble. Today, the share of such paints has decreased significantly. The reason was the emergence of a more practical, durable generation of products. In essence, these are dissolved in water binders and pigment.

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

  1. Water-dispersed and water-emulsion. Successful evolution of the previous species. The main difference lies in the method of production. In water, with the help of special technologies, insoluble polymer compounds are located, which after applying the structure change. Popular acrylic paint refers to this category.

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

  1. Paints on organic solvents. A wide range of products, where oils, acetone, olifa are used as the basis. Despite the large number of different solvent quality, the principle of manufacture and use is identical. After applying, the volatiles evaporate, and at the expense of adhesive qualities, pigment and filling are firmly associated with the basis.

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

  1. Polymer. Synthetic substances under the action of oxygen, light begin to acquire the necessary qualities. Often offered in a two-component form. Before use, they are mixed during a strictly defined time they must be used. Often, there are organic solvents as a catalyst. For example, in polyurethane, epoxy paints, but on a fundamental action, they differ from products on organic solvents.

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Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

The most hygienic are water-based paints. With the internal finishing of preferences, it is better to give it to them. Especially if the room is intended for children, older people, people with severe allergic reactions.

Preparation of walls

The most important stage of work. In order for the paint to be smoothly, it is necessary to ensure the uniformity of the surface. The plaque is aligned with the entire area after plastering, mounting drywall. Then the surface is processed by a fine-grained skin. Do it better with the help of a special device where it is installed. If there is no such device, you can take a smooth piece of timber, profile and attach the sandpaper to it. As a last resort, wrap her blank.

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

Grinding walls Mandatory procedure. It is impossible to ignore it. The primer composition is more liquid and movable than paint. This allows it to penetrate deeper and tie the basis. Conditionally, it is possible to highlight three types of preparation for painting:

  1. Rough surface. Desses are allowed to 1 mm. It is done to apply texture paints, or to create a deliberate rough surface, characteristic of some interior styles.

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

  1. Standard. Performed in 2-3 stages. The first layer of putty eliminate the most significant differences. Then the finish treatment is adjusted to the desired state. The final stage becomes the treatment with a zero with a zero, which retains traces of a spatula, small tubercles.

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

  1. Thin. Practically perfect surfaces surface. Need when applied glossy paints. Any error will be visible, so the qualities are achieved by repeated spatlement and surface elastic. Sometimes it is necessary to repeat the procedure 5-8 times to achieve the desired result.

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

Preparation of walls to coloring can take time several times more than the main procedure. But the final result depends on the quality of it.

Secrets Painting

At this stage, there are often characteristic errors that are easy to avoid when performing certain rules. Problems may arise to subsequent reasons:

  • Poor surface preparation;
  • improper paint consistency (too thick or liquid);
  • incorrect choice of tool and method of application;
  • Neackurability of the Contractor.

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Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

On packaging paints always indicate its features. For example, too thick composition must be diluted with water or recommended solvents. Aerosol cans must be vigorously shake, paint in banks thoroughly mix to uniformity. No less important tool selection. There are special products designed for applying. You can use in your work:

  • sprouter (paint dilute a little)
  • brush;
  • roller;

To create textured, textural surfaces, sometimes use additional tools. These are special rollers, stamps, a piece of foam rubber, rolled fabric, film, paper. These technologies are described in detail on thematic sites and, if desired, you can find it. But the main tools in independent work are considered to be brush and roller. Sharpness is a sign of too thick consistency. You need to dilute the composition. If the paint is too liquid, does not cover the surface, flows from the tool, you need to give it time to run or mix with a more thick base.

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Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

Top errors when painting walls (and how to avoid them)

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