Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.


Wallpaper painting is one of the simple and economical ways to transform the design of the walls. Many newbies, in terms of repair and design, do not understand the modern painting of wallpaper. Since now, all new methods are being developed, and chips in this matter. And to facilitate this problem, first of all "important", consider the main mistakes before you begin this difficult work.

Error number 5 - incorrect wallpaper selection

Practically in any construction store, a wide range of material for repair. And just, with wallpaper under painting. It happens, it is difficult to find and choose the appropriate, taste and interior. And the main mistake of many is, make a hasty choice. There are different types, and the most popular it: flieslinic, paper and glassy. How to choose a suitable?

Make the right choice, respectively, taste and interior of the room.

If you are looking for a low price wallpaper, but at the same time good quality, then your choice will fall on "paper wallpapers". Despite the cost, these wallpapers are pretty wear-resistant.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

But in case the main quality is for you, not the price. Then it is better to choose "Fliseline Wallpaper". As this is one of the high-quality species. But with a high cost.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

Also, I would like to note the last kind of "glass". The minus of this type of wallpaper is that it is difficult to find, but in general, solid advantages. This species is ideal for residential buildings and public premises.

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Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

Error number 4 - incorrect combination of colors

Once painting wallpaper consists of two colors, it is important to consider the correct combination of colors. That is, pick up the right paints whose shades are similar in color. Otherwise, incomprehensible colors, poorly affect the design of the walls. Here, as with wallpaper, there are different types of paints: water-emulsion, acrylic, water - dispersion. How not to make a mistake in choosing?

The main thing is a combination of colors. Choose similar colors, and at the same time, shades should smoothly move from one to another.

The acrylic option is one of the sold paints. Also, this paint is perfect for children's rooms, as it does not have any smell.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

Almost the same paint quality, these are water-dispersive and water-emulsion. The advantages of these colors - safety. The first species is ideal for painting paper wallpaper. Minus paints is a fear of moisture, do not suit the bathroom.

The second appearance exceeds water-dispersion paint, good waterproofing. So wallpaper painted with water-mounted paints can be wiped with a damp cloth. Also, there are no smell.

Error №3 - paint unevenness

Many are paint in different directions. This is one of the main mistakes when painting. Applying them uneven, after drying, strokes will appear, which will spoil the view. And your work can be wasted. How to paint smoothly and evenly?

For the whole wall, paint must be applied with "roller". You need to paint with one option, horizontally either vertically.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

To obtain a uniform surface of the walls, the right to use a roller, with a long pile. And the brush is better to postpone for difficult and bottlenecks. It is also desirable to use a natural bristle brush.

Error number 2 - applying color in one layer

If you strive to get rid of work faster, and just walk along the walls of the room with one layer, then the result will not please you. If you put the paint in one layer, it will look pale and dim. Saturated and original color, in this way to do not achieve. How to apply the layers correctly and achieve brightness?

To get intense color, you need to apply 2-3 layers.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

The first layer will dispense color on the wall. The second and third, align and saturate the hue. It is important first to grow color.

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Error number 1 - incorrectly divorced paint

In the process of painting, paint can turn into a thick consistency. You need to know exactly how to dilute the paint. Diluted with water paint does not mix with the mass. The result will not be qualitatively. How to avoid this?

You need to read the paint itself on the wrapper and find out how to breed.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

No need to pour a lot of solvent and water. It is more correct, pouring little and intensively stirring the mass. To avoid lumps and thick paints.

How to paint wallpaper. Secrets from professionals (1 video)

Painting wallpaper (14 photos)

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

Main errors when painting wallpapers in two colors.

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