What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]


Start repair is always difficult. It requires a lot of strength, time and cash investment. People who are not discharged for this step for several years have noticed that the prices for building materials are constantly growing. 5 years ago there would be enough one amount, today it will have to increase by 1.5-2 times. Therefore, you should not delay with repair.

There is a lot of ways to save, among them and decorative finish. At the same time, this will not affect the quality.

Ceramic tile

She is an indispensable companion of each house and is mainly used in rooms with high humidity and temperature drops - a bathroom and a kitchen.

It is not necessary to separate the walls, enough:

  1. Write the walls in places of contact with water. In the bathroom, this is a wall adjacent to the bathroom, shower or a clothesline. Another option is to set down the walls at a height of 1.2-1.5 m. Above the water with careful use will not fall, so the ceiling will fit moisture-resistant wallpaper or paint;

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

  1. Combine tile. Successful will be a combination of decorative tiles with a monophonic, which is much cheaper. Decorative tiles are inserted with horizontal or vertical stripes, diluting boring monochromatic;

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

  1. Purchase a battered tile for a penny amount and make a wall mosaic panel from it. Will have to tinker, but the result will be unsurpassed;

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

  1. Combination with mirrors. In this case, the ordinary tile without drawings and ornaments is suitable. It adds mirrors. The room will be filled with light, visually expand.


It is used to finish the premises with high humidity. The lower the cost of the material, the worse the quality of the picture. There are options on which it will not be reflected:

  1. Imitation of stone;

Article on the topic: 5 Decor options from cones: Autumnal apartment transformation

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

  1. The imitation of parquet or laminate is ideal for finishing flooring in the kitchen, balcony, loggia or hallway;

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

  1. Single glossy or matte material.

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]


Available option with decent appearance and quality. Buying worth:

  1. Quality 32 or 33 class. It is the most durable and has increased resistance. The class is specified on the package;
  2. Natural colors. Sophisticated drawings will look poorly at budget versions;
  3. Castle connections. They are easier to lay and replace them.

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]


The most popular view of the walls of the walls. But the better the material, the higher the cost. Therefore, some trying to save, leveled walls under painting. This option may be even more expensive. Save on the walls of the walls can be used if you use:

  1. Textured plaster. It does not need ideal alignment, masks irregularities and can be repainted in any color more than once;

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

  1. Wallpapers for painting. They are mostly relief, so they hide small irregularities, withstand up to 25 repainting and are cheaper than color analogues;

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

  1. Accent wall. Use dear and high-quality wallpapers for finishing one wall. The rest can be saved by more budget options.

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

Wall decoration with alternative options

Progress and Fashion is not in place. Today, no one will surprise the room in which not ordinary and rare finishing materials are used. Among them:

  1. Lining. It refers to environmentally friendly materials. The lining can be put in its original form or cut geometric shapes from it. It is painted in any color and apply a drawing. It is suitable for different styles that emphasize their attention on naturalness;

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

  1. Decorative rock. It is easier natural and cheaper, so ideal for finishing surfaces in apartments;

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

  1. Brick wall. Those who live in houses with brick walls can be, and clean the wall from the old plaster to the base. Bricks are cleaned and tinted. Ideally, it turns out a fashionable, beautiful and budgetary wall.

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What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

Going to the store with a limited budget you need to buy really needed and not to go on the consultants who will offer a lot of options for unnecessary, wanting to earn.

The best budget solutions for repair for 2019. Apartment renovation. Budget repair of apartments (1 video)

Budgetary materials (14 photos)

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

What can be saved on the room [we reduce the finish]

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