Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior


This finishing material appeared on the market for about ten years ago. His first began to release Comfort-Heim from Germany. Immediately after the appearance, the material has gained popularity and pushed natural stone on the market. It has excellent performance, ensuring great popularity.

What is it

This material is made of sandstone. To do this, it is glued to it with a canvas, then disconnect with a thin layer of stone. Material is sold in the form of rolls or tiles.

It is more convenient than natural stone, but not inferior to him in appearance. It can be used for interior decoration and for external house design.

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

Flexible stone is characterized by the following features:

  1. Can repeat the bends of the base. It can be laid in the corners and on complex surfaces, bending material.
  2. If there are damages, it is easy to replace the desired fragment without losing aesthetic qualities.
  3. There is a flexible stone of various colors or textures on sale.
  4. High degree of fire safety.
  5. The service life is 35 years or more.
  6. Material is environmentally friendly. There is no harm to human health.
  7. Resistant to moisture.

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

However, the high price of flexible stone makes it available not for everyone.

Errors using

Although a flexible stone is a high-quality material that has excellent performance, errors are possible when it is used for interior design.

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

Technological features when making interior

This material will show its high qualities if it is installed correctly. It is necessary to pay attention to not such problems arise:

  1. Since the flexible stone has a high price, its fakes exist on the market. Sellers promise full-fledged material for a significantly lower price. By purchasing a poor-quality flexible stone, the buyer risks to get a material that cannot be bent in such a way that it approached the complex surface. Usually a fake flexible stone is easily creptable. An acrylic solution is not used in the fake material, and epoxy is used instead. This significantly reduces quality and durability.
  2. When gluing you need to use the glue, which is recommended by the manufacturer. If the instructions do not indicate for this, you can choose yourself. It is suitable for high-quality adhesive on an acrylic basis. Otherwise, the quality of attachment is not guaranteed.

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Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

  1. For this material, additional processing must be performed after installation. It is covered with a special composition in order to improve its resistance to moisture. If this is not done, the service life will be reduced.
  2. To use it requires a smooth surface. After sticking the thin layer, the irregularities of the wall will be visible if they are available.

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

Errors when designing the design of the premises

High quality and high-cost material impose on a designer of particular responsibility when interior design.

Here is some of them:

  1. When making small apartments, it is not recommended to overload the interior with a large number of complex details. This creates a feeling of overload.
  2. The use of flexible stone should be harmonized with the color and location of furniture, emphasize the impression of it.

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

  1. The variety of colors of the proposed material can be applied to zoning the room. It will be difficult to change in the future, which will lead to the fact that the design will be bored and becomes irritation.
  2. Flexible stone can be used to create frescoes. If they are made poorly, this will create an impression of the alphaspitability of the interior.

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

  1. When designing is not recommended to be limited to one color. It is necessary to use this material so that in the interior there are several of them. It is believed that three colors will look harmonious.

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

When using such a material, it is necessary to avoid possible errors. The fact that the flexible stone is expensive, determines the need to create with its use of high-quality design.

Flexible stone, how to glue, assembling, different ways (1 video)

Flexible stone in the interior (14 photos)

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

Main errors to use flexible stone in the interior

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