How did you make your room even less?


Make a house cozy not just, especially ate his area is poorly small. But there are no impracticable tasks. People go to everything to make the dwelling as much as possible and comfortable, sometimes not noticing that they take too much useful place or using unsuitable methods, thereby damping the lightness room.

When placing the room, it is important to choose the right furniture and arrange it, choose the textures and color gamut, use the lighting. All this can reduce or increase the visual perception of the room. Therefore, it is important to know the main mistakes that will spoil the appearance of the dwelling.

Rag of furniture

No matter how much you want to put an ancient cabinet made of mahogany, it is not a place in a small apartment. It is worth abandoning bulk sofas and chairs. They will cause a sense of litter and will be inappropriate. The optimal use of built-in furniture and transformers. The less their number and size will be, the more spacious will be the dwelling.

How did you make your room even less?

How did you make your room even less?

Replace the usual closet better wardrobe on the entire wall. It contains clothes, shoes, ironing board, rarely used utensils and household appliances. In the nursery it can be a whole two-storey complex. On the second floor it is a bed, and on the first work desk, a wardrobe or a play area.

Forming bright colors

Who said that bright colors distract the subconscious from the size of the room? Bright decoration, furniture, curtains - they should be used in minimal quantities, as accents. Finish one wall in a bright color, and the rest in calm pastel or bright sofa pillows on a beige sofa. In these cases, bright colors will benefit.

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How did you make your room even less?

How did you make your room even less?


A large number of furniture and decor elements on one site will reduce the space even in a large room. Scattered things, toys, not assembled bed - all this chaos is extra in the room. The order visually creates a feeling of spaciousness and ease.

How did you make your room even less?

How did you make your room even less?

Dense curtains

They are used in different styles, look rich and luxurious, but not in small rooms. Due to the massiveness, they take the space and do not let sunlight into the room, thereby making it gloomy.

How did you make your room even less?

How did you make your room even less?

Lack of lighting

The windows overlooking the sunny side pass the sunny light throughout the day, so some are used for additional lighting only chandeliers. This is wrong. In the dark or in cloudy weather, the lighting devices will replace sunlight and dispel it around the room. For this, board lamps, sconting and point lamps are perfect. They zonate space, making it comfortable and cozy.

How did you make your room even less?

How did you make your room even less?


The use of different textures in one room makes it cozy, but this option is not always appropriate. It is difficult to choose a few textures that would have seated in the room, especially in a small one.

How did you make your room even less?

Oversupply decor

Walls, rolled paintings and panels, shelves with a variety of statuette, great piano - all this is unacceptable in a small room. It is enough to hang pictures over a sofa or bed without going beyond their frames or place several decorative elements on the shelf - it will be enough. The remaining things can be presaten presaterse or give someone, but especially valuable to fold in the box and get it as needed.

How did you make your room even less?

Large drawings

This concerns wallpaper and textiles. Yes, it can be beautiful, but only in a spacious room with high ceilings. In the remainder cases, use one-photon fabric or with small patterns and in limited quantities.

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How did you make your room even less?

All these tips will help to correct the errors in the interior, return to it ease and freshness. This room will be cozy and pleasant to all family members and their guests.

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How did you make your room even less?

How did you make your room even less?

How did you make your room even less?

How did you make your room even less?

How did you make your room even less?

How did you make your room even less?

How did you make your room even less?

How did you make your room even less?

How did you make your room even less?

How did you make your room even less?

How did you make your room even less?

How did you make your room even less?

How did you make your room even less?

How did you make your room even less?

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