Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution


Seeing the chips, bubbles and peeling of the decorative plaster, may forever disappear the desire to use it at home for wall decoration. In fact, it is not necessary to make such hasty solutions, since the material is very beautiful and practical. Problems are often connected in violation of technology of use.

Decorative plaster has its own nuances when working and requires a clear compliance with all major requirements. It is from them that the final result depends. Therefore, to avoid unpleasant moments, it is worth learn about possible problems in advance and prepare for them.

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

Many stop their choice on decorative plaster, because it is able to hide irregularities. The material is different in composition, graininess and other principles.

It is worth paying attention to:

  1. The fine-grained faster dries off;
  2. Large rugs are more polluted;
  3. Dark color attracts and absorbs sunlight, it fastest faster;
  4. The plaster should immediately buy on the entire amount of work with a small margin, since different parts may differ in shades.

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

Before you have grown to work, you need to carefully prepare the basis. Preparation includes:

  1. Degreasing;
  2. Removal of dust, paints and glue;
  3. Treat primer. If the surface is concrete or foam concrete ground with special compositions, creating a rough surface.

Possible problems and how to prevent them

The most common problems:

  1. Not to the end dried acrylic coating. The reason lies in late work with the material. At the end of autumn and winter, the air is wet, it does not give a completely dry material, it will become a favorable condition for the development of fungus and mold. The heat insulating layer will come to unsuitability and the appearance will not be appropriate. Therefore, outdoor work is carried out exclusively in warm and dry weather. Otherwise, with the arrival of spring, the plaster will swell and will fit. If external work should be carried out in winter, the combined polymer cement plaster is used;

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Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

  1. The finishing layer can be detached if used materials for the work of different manufacturers. This applies to primer, putty and insulation;

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

  1. Cracks. The reasons for their appearance set. The main ones of the thick layer of plaster, long period of operation, deposit of the soil, uneven surface or incompatibility of materials and surfaces. Restore the former view can be organic plaster, reinforced with a grid, acrylic paint;

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

  1. Mineral plaster loss. Cause - weather conditions. To avoid this, at the end of work and complete surface drying, it is opened with an additional layer of vapor-permeable, resistant and durable silicate paint;

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

  1. Lumets of the wall through the finish. This is due to the thin applied layer. To disguise the lumens can be colored primer, selected in the tone of the putty;

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

  1. The appearance of mold and fungus. If the house is located near the reservoir or forest, the malicious moss, fungi and microorganisms will actively multiply on mineral putty. All this will happen if it does not take action on time - clean the facade and treat antifungal compositions;

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

  1. It is impossible to achieve the desired texture specified by the manufacturer on the package. The reason may be by the manufacturer or improper application. Each species differs in the method of application, so it is worth readingly with it. Perhaps the tool was not correctly selected;

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

  1. Mud leaks. They sometimes appear on mineral plaster. Remove them easily with a colorless silicone hydrophobizer, processing the surface. In addition, it creates an additional protective layer of moisture;

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

  1. Large material consumption. Large surface drops, inappropriate tool.

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

The consumption of coarse plaster is much higher fine-grained.

  1. Weak clutch. Lack of primer layer or inappropriate type of plaster.

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

These are the main problems with which you can encounter when working with plaster and ways to solve them. With the right approach and compliance with all rules, it will delight for a long time with its appearance.

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Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

Use of decorative plaster: problems and their solution

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