Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors


Planning to make repairs in your own home, not everyone resorts to the services of a professional designer. Many are trying to cope with such a task, while allowing typical errors. In order not to regret the work done, you need to know what stylistic design techniques in the interior is better not to use.

Tabu on interior

Getting Started for the design of your own dwelling, many do not think about the fact that the essence of the taboo, which is considered a bad tone. These include:

  1. Excession in the decor. It mainly concerns the owners who believes that a large number of accessories will help create a homemade comfort. But this is a delusion. The apartment is not a museum, where exhibits are placed at every step. The abundance of accessories will begin to put pressure on a person.

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

  1. Furniture placed exactly along the wall. In this case, the feeling of artificiality and inexpensive interior will be created. Furniture can be used more functionally, extinguishing individual zones.

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

  1. Abundance of furniture objects. This is especially true of the living room. A visual room will look cluttered, it will be uncomfortable in it. Preference should be given to multifunctional subjects that are laid out or transformed if necessary.

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

  1. Use in a room more than two bright spots. If you want to dilute the interior through bright items of furniture or accessories, then more than two pronounced accents do not stay in the same room. Otherwise, the room will look comical and toy.

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

  1. Buying a small carpet. This decor element is not an addition, as many believe, but one of the main accents in the room. It is necessary to be able to use correctly, highlighting with it the main area of ​​the room.

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

Another taboo in the interior design, which should be avoided, is too creative ceiling. Especially if the height of the room meets the standard requirements.

The abundance of geometric lines, many lamps and the use of different color elements will eat space.

Basic mistakes

Even people having an innate sense of taste may make mistakes when designing the interior. Knowing such nuances, they can be tried to avoid. Typical self-design errors include:

  1. The use of a large number of identical elements. Trying to give the room a certain stylistic direction, the same pattern starts to apply on wallpaper, curtains, ornamental pillows, carpets. As a result, the room decreases in size and is oversaturated with one element.

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Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

  1. Excessive minimalism. The room forced by furniture and hung with accessories is the past century. Minimalism today in fashion. But when the room is almost empty, it looks very boring.

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

  1. The use of incorrect proportions. The items in the room may not necessarily be the same size. But they must interfere with each other. When a small table is attached to a huge sofa, it looks comical.

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

  1. Pictures, shelves, portraits and photos hanging too high. In this case, the space of the room will be disturbed. Households will have to raise head up every time. And it is extremely uncomfortable.

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

Very often such errors relate to the placement of sockets and wires. Beautiful and concisely furnished room can spoil the abundance of sockets located in each wall or a toned wires that are in suspended state. The room will eventually look inactively.

Think over the location of the sockets and wires, before the room is fully furnished.

Avoid mistakes and taboos in the interior will be able to find a gold middle. Do not blindly follow fashionable areas, but also to fully rely on your taste is also rash. You need our own desires in the design of an apartment or home to compare with the recommendations of professionals.

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Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

Taboo in the design of interior design or how to avoid typical errors

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