Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior


Full, healthy sleep is the key to good insistence for the whole day. Therefore it is very important to equip the bedroom in such a way that nothing bothered to relax, tune in to rest and sleep well.

What can break the harmonious design of the bedroom:

  1. Errors in the choice of color. Designers warned against bright saturated tones of furniture and walls. The perfect option is the lungs, air shades of beige, gray, white. Avoiding monotony and boredom in the interior will help various materials, bright accents in the form of bedside rugs or bedspreads.

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

Dark shades of walls and furniture in the bedroom (for example, chocolate, deep blue or green) well combine with bright elements. Thus, it is possible to achieve color harmony in the interior, create a comfortable atmosphere for recreation.

Strongly unacceptable red in the bedroom. An exception can be a single element (for example, pillows or floor mats) or a separate painted wall.

  1. Not well thought out lighting system. There is nothing more boring than a dull, lonely ceiling lamp. The most common error is incorrectly selected style and room lighting options. It is the opinion that the most beautiful chandeliers must decorate the ceiling of the living room, the central room in the house. This is not true. Waking up in the morning, the first thing that sees the man - chandelier, and it should be beautiful, perfectly combined with the common style of the room. The ceiling lamp in the bedroom is necessarily complemented by a flyer, scaves or desktop, bedside lamps. This makes it possible to create in the room, if necessary, a muted, intimate atmosphere.

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

  1. Abundance of furniture. Often the bedroom is not distinguished by a grand scale area. It is for this reason that another common error occurs - a bedroom setting by diverse elements of furniture. Bed, bedside tables, wardrobe, chest of drawers, table, racks: All these items (not always from one set) create chaos, a feeling of litterness. Before entering some kind of furniture to the bedroom, you need to think about the rationality of its use in this room, combinations with the already installed environment.

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Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

  1. Abundance of decor, small baubles. The bedroom is the place in which the perfect cleanliness should be maintained. It is quite difficult to create comfort in the room, in which collections of cute elephants, figurines, vases and other small (not always appropriate) decor are assembled. Contain in the bedroom cleanliness will help the correct organization of storage of things, the absence of numerous baubles on the shelves. Also worth refuse to store books in the bedroom. The book is a source of dust, and with it allergies.

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

Instead of a dozen small pick one, but interesting in style, form and a fairly dimensional object of the interior. Such can become a picture, poster in a frame or a tapestry cannon on a dream.

  1. Savings on bed linen - This is one of the mistakes that can cross all the actions to create an ideal bedroom interior. It is important to pay attention not only to the appearance of linen, but also the quality, naturalness of the materials. Avoid linen sewn from synthetic canvases, bright colors and saturated prints. More appropriate unobtrusive patterns of tender pastel shades bed. Wineware option - White bedding.

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

The most important thing is that the bedroom interior reflects the character and mood of the rooms. Only a harmonious combination of furniture, finishing materials and interior items will help create the necessary atmosphere of comfort and relaxation of the bedroom.

How to avoid mistakes when setting up a bedroom: review 6 recommendations (1 video)

Proper bedroom (14 photos)

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

Top 5 errors in the bedroom interior

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