10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]


White color universal. It is used in all styles and is harmoniously combined with the rest of the colors. But behind it floats a negative reputation, resembling hospital wards, which are often painted in white. Many refuse to use white to finish their home, despite its advantages.

You can correct the situation, the main thing to adhere to sufficiently simple rules and the white will become cozy and pleasant.

Geometric ornaments

Each monotonic interior changes radically when adding geometric patterns. He becomes dynamic, playful, lively and thus changes his perception by man. It can be triangles, ovals, circles, squares and other figures, they focus on their attention and distract from imperfections in the room.

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

A variety of textures

Furniture, textiles and other materials must be completely different, they will be lost on a white background and will become faceless and sad. The room must combine fur, flax, silk, stone, glass, wood and other materials.

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

Accent Wall

This is a classic interior design option, it shows the efficiency in the white room and in other color solutions. In the case of white, the accent wall should be alone. It is pre-perfectly aligned, because it will attract views and the slightest irregularities on it will be noticeable. White is well combined with any color, but in this case it is better to choose a bright and rich hue or choose a wallpaper with an ornament.

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

Wall-mounted decor

He is able to correct even the most difficult situations by turning them into the right direction. To do this, you do not have to cross the wallpaper or buy new furniture, it is enough to hang a picture on the wall, panels, posters, shelves with souvenirs and other decorative elements.

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10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

Room Flowers

Live plants fill the house with coolest, warm and comfort. They force to rethink the interior, make a notch of freshness. On white they will look more noticeable than on the other colors and become attracted to themselves. It is not easy to achieve this, as plants need constant care.

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

Modern curtains

Today, some designers recommend abandoning the obsolete option to decorate the housing with curtains, but people are in no hurry to do it. Partly it is right. Create a comfortable and pleasant interior without textiles on the windows is very difficult, especially in the white room.

Curtains in this case are better to choose green, orange, purple and other bright colors, but only in the case when there are no more bright stains in the room. If there is already an accent stain, the curtains can be pastel tones.

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

Bright furniture

White room is a clean leaf canvas on which you can draw a mood using any paints. Therefore, it is worth considering the room from this side and come up with bright furniture, for example, a sofa may be blue, and the dining room in the kitchen is green.

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

Textiles on the sofa

It may be plaid or pillows, monophonic or multi-colored. They instantly ask the mood of the room and make it riddown. Textiles can be changed depending on the time of year. In winter, it can be warm colors, and in the summer - cold. It is enough to change the pillowcase or plaid.

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]


He must be in every home. It is nice to walk on the carpet, it is warm and soft, additionally decorate the interior. The white room will be appropriate a carpet in the tone of precious stones - emerald or sapphire.

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

Black and white tandem

This is a classic combination that looks modernly stylish, even a year later. A harmonious combination causes only positive feelings. White instantly ceases to associate with the hospital.

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10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

Living room in white (1 video)

White interior is not like in the hospital (14 photos)

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

10 ways to avoid the Effect of the Hospital Chamber [White Application]

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