8 designer errors: how to do not need


Your home is your fortress in which you want to return after a hard working day and relax. You strive to make comfort and comfort in it, do not spare for this not money will not. But sometimes it happens that despite the tools spent there is no satisfaction from the result. The thing is that you have made a mistake in design. Let's wonder the serious errors of home or apartment arracts.

Incorrect zoning

The systematization of the interior method of zoning is a good option, but only if the designer has experience and knowledge in this area.

It is necessary to direct attention to the integrity of the room so that it does not consist of the mass of small zones. It is recommended to choose calm do not cause colors that will be harmonized with each other. Enjoy this technique and during the interior design of one-bedroom apartments.

8 designer errors: how to do not need

With incorrect zoning of the interior room, the room is broken into too small zones, which is immediately striking.

Little carpet in the center of the room

The purchase of carpet is a fairly common reception of designers, this year carpets in trend. But in view of the wrong carpet selection, it only spoils the whole picture.

Agree, a small piece of rags in the center of the room looks rather strange. If you decide the carpet to combine the elements of the interior in a holistic picture, you need to buy a large carpet. This should not be an old-fashioned carpet with Soviet patterns, now in fashion fluffy carpets with a long pile.

8 designer errors: how to do not need

It is possible to use small carpets at home, but they are not intended for the room at the center of the room.

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8 designer errors: how to do not need

Many designers at home are trying to keep up with all the current trends, but passes a couple of years, and everyone is successfully forgotten about them, and the design remains.

Before following all the new fashion modes of this year, think if you are ready to change the design of the house in a few years. If not, then follow the trends - a stupid solution.

8 designer errors: how to do not need

8 designer errors: how to do not need

You should also not apply those techniques in the design that you do not like only because they are now in fashion.

Monotonous combinations

The monotony in combinations in the design of the house is far from news, it went from Soviet times. Then it was fashionable to pick up curtains, carpets, tusles, wallpapers with similar drawings.

8 designer errors: how to do not need

8 designer errors: how to do not need

This fashion has long come out, but the habit of people remained. The interior decoration can be made much more colorful and more diverse.

Uncomfortable decoration

Uncomfortable design is bad design. This also includes the theme of furniture.

Many designers are trying to turn a house in the museum, and later face that it is not so easy to live in it. If you have a feeling of stiffness with any interior, you need to change it immediately.

The same applies to the choice of furniture for the house. Many do not take into account that bringing home furniture, she will need not only to admire, but also to use. What are faced with obvious inconveniences.

8 designer errors: how to do not need

8 designer errors: how to do not need

Non-compliance of the sizes of the curtains

When things do not match the desired size, it immediately rushes into the eyes.

Especially often, a similar error is allowed when choosing a curtain, which turn out to be too short and hang in the air, or on the contrary, the floor sweep. Exceptions are only the curtains conceived to be short initially.

8 designer errors: how to do not need

8 designer errors: how to do not need

Furniture located along the wall

This technique also remained in the past. Now trends dictate new conditions that are able to bring comfort to your home, and not the remnants of the past.

Article on the topic: save the place in the bedroom: 5 tips from the designer

8 designer errors: how to do not need

It is comfortable and convenient to equip your home using zoning and for this you do not need to arrange all the furniture in the corners, leaving a bunch of free, but unnecessary place in the center of the room.

Unsuccessful design

The bad is the design that you do not like. Under the word "unsuccessful" one can understand different things, but now we are talking about the disgust of the owners to design.

8 designer errors: how to do not need

Both with a change in taste preferences, and if the wrong choice of some design element, which was bad in use, it is necessary to change it immediately.

14 techniques tasteless in the interior at all times (1 video)

Errors in the interior (14 photos)

8 designer errors: how to do not need

8 designer errors: how to do not need

8 designer errors: how to do not need

8 designer errors: how to do not need

8 designer errors: how to do not need

8 designer errors: how to do not need

8 designer errors: how to do not need

8 designer errors: how to do not need

8 designer errors: how to do not need

8 designer errors: how to do not need

8 designer errors: how to do not need

8 designer errors: how to do not need

8 designer errors: how to do not need

8 designer errors: how to do not need

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