What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]


Valentine's Day is a love holiday. On this day, loving couples spend time alone, give cards, called Valentines, prepare gifts, create a romantic atmosphere at home and enjoy communication with each other.

But how to decorate the room, few people know, especially men's half of humanity. In order not to break your head, we will offer several design options, it will only be left to choose the most suitable.

Paper balls

They will help to decorate the whole house, while it will be enough to raise them around the perimeter of the rooms, on the chandelier, shelves. For the manufacture you will need several items:

  1. Napkins or corrugated paper;
  1. Threads;
  1. Scissors.

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

The napkin is separated by layers and fold into the harmonica several pieces. In the middle tie a thread and smash. Hang them behind ribbons or threads. Balls can be of different colors and size, in this case they will look alive and interesting.


It is difficult to submit a holiday without this attribute. The best result can be achieved by ordering helium balls from professionals in the form of hearts, red, pink and white. So that they do not fly under the ceiling, small weights are tied to them - Valentine with confessions or gifts. In addition to helium balls, you can order a figure from the balls - a big heart, angel, a bear.

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

If you wish to make a gift yourself, you can buy balls and spend them around the room or make a heart shape figure. It will take a large sheet of cardboard or wire, give them the shape, inflate the balls and tie to the form. Balls should fit tightly so that there are no cracks.

Decor of walls

Curtains are decorated, balls poured, you can now go to the decor of the walls. You can hang on them:

  1. Poster with pleasant wishes and confessions in love, joint photos;

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What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

  1. Garlands of hearts - from paper cut out multicolored hearts and stitch them or glue. They will be appropriate to look not only on the wall, but also on the curtain or doorway;

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

  1. Stretching with photos - a thick thread stretch horizontally and special decorative clothespins pushed photographs to thread. These must be joint photos in the entire history of relationships;

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

  1. Live or artificial flowers;

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

  1. Volumetric hearts from paper. They are attached to the wall in chaotic order. Hearts are better to make a different size, for greater aesthetic.

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]


No girl stands in front of mysterious, mysterious and romantic light, which radiates candles. They may look solemn and romantic, it all depends on the arrangement. To achieve a second case, you can use candles for design:

  1. Festive table with romantic dinner;

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

  1. Beds. Around it can be placed the candles or on the bedside tables;

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

  1. Perimeter room. Shelves, chest, dresser, table - they put candles on them in chaotic order, not leaving spaces;

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

  1. Bathroom. One of the options of a romantic evening. It is known that girls love to soak in a warm foam bath, especially with such attributes like candles, rose petals, a glass of wine and a company of a loved one.

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

You need to use candles carefully. They relate to fire-hazardous subjects, therefore it is worth planning the alignment in advance and take into account all the dangerous moments.

Rose petals

Flowers an indispensable assistant man, every girl loves flowers, especially roses. Additional interior will be perfectly complemented by roses petals, scattering them on the floor, on the bed, in the bathroom, around the festive table. Help the girl to find a surprise will help the path of petals, coming from the entrance door to the surprise.

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

There is a lot of ways to make a nice girl. You can make it only a loving man who knows the hobbies and desires of the second half. Therefore, it is capable of making a pleasant surprise.

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How to make a surprise on February 14 a romantic dinner. Beautifully decorate the room (1 video)

Room decoration (14 photos)

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

What exactly will like the girl on February 14 [examples of bedroom design]

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