How to make the design more "warm"


With the arrival of cold weather, man begins to test the deficit of the heat and the sun. It sometimes becomes a bad mood. It is possible to cope with him and do not have to re-cross the wallpaper or change furniture. It is enough to make some items in the interior that fill it with warmth and comfort.

Multilayer bed linen

The bed has a magical strength and all items on it are reflected in the interior of the room. This is a great option to use such a feature. Bed linen from one matter covered with a cover from another and finally, plaid, of soft tissue. Such a combination will fill in the heat of the room and will be perfectly warmed with cold nights.

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How to make a design more


In a multi-storey building, it will not be exactly possible to put a real fireplace, and its electrical analogue is easily. It will take a place for the evening near the fireplace to dry and admire the flames, let them and not real. If there is no possibility to put electrocamine, you can buy a sticker or poster with its image. This option is suitable for the children's room.

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How to make a design more


They are associated with holidays, look elegant and solemnly. Many flashing lights capture and fill the room with warm and mysterious light, so you should not remove them until the spring. They will be appropriate in the headboard bed, around the mirror or on the wall, in the form of a drawing or inscription. Such a decor is ideal for a children's room, but it is possible to use in the living room and bedroom.

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How to make a design more

Using fire

Yes, the interior in the literal sense will become warm, if it is lit candles. They are used in such rooms:

  1. The bathroom will be relevant candles-tablets that will create a romantic environment if they put them on the edges of the bathroom or put into swimming. Large and thick candles can be put in one corner and relax in such a fabulous atmosphere;

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How to make a design more

  1. In the living room, the candles are mainly used as a decorative element or during a festive dinner;

How to make a design more

  1. In the bedroom, they will create a romantic environment and bring heat into the room and relationships between partners.

How to make a design more

For children's candles are not suitable, they are dangerous and a fire is possible with improper handling.

Candles can be conventional and flavored. Feeding warm smells - cinnamon, spices or citrus women, you can add the interior of the fabulous and warm aura.


Today they are no longer so popular as 20-30 years ago. They became small and more conservative. It is impossible to completely refuse them. In carpet covers, it is pleasant to walk, they warm their feet, which is very important in cold weather. You can not do without carpet in the bathroom. After making a hot tub, it is unpleasant to get on a cold tile, besides, it is possible to get sick from such a temperature difference.

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How to make a design more

In the living room or bedroom, the carpet can be replaced with a fur skin. It looks original and cozy. The room is transformed and instantly becomes elegant and warm.

Bright accents

Red, yellow and orange colors are considered the warmest. They must be present in the room. It is not necessary to paint the walls and change furniture. It is enough to change the curtains, plaid on the sofa or put the figurines of these colors. The main thing is the location in the prominent place. In the kitchen, it is better not to use orange - it awakens appetite, which will lead to the appearance of unnecessary kilograms.

How to make a design more

How to make a design more

Replacing the bulbs

Light bulbs with cold light are popular. They nicely illuminate the room and look restrained and conservative. In winter, you can replace them with a lamp with warm light. We will have to spend an impressive amount, but the light bulbs will not blown quickly, so they can be changed depending on the time of year.

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How to make a design more

How to make a design more

How to make a design more

How to make a design more

How to make a design more

How to make a design more

How to make a design more

How to make a design more

How to make a design more

How to make a design more

How to make a design more

How to make a design more

How to make a design more

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