"Unisex in the bathroom": decoration of the bathroom, suitable for both


Repair is a testing of relationships, during it you can quarrel several times, besides, there will be a lot of reasons. Today we will tell how to decide on the design of the bathroom, which will come to both spouses, where everyone will feel comfortable.

What options need to be eliminated immediately when placing a bathroom?

  1. First of all, it is worth excluding the "Girls" shades: pink, lilac, turquoise, mint. Such a design bathroom is unlikely to like male representatives. And if you paint the bath in turquoise color and do not think until the end lighting, the walls may seem covered with mold. If you want gentle shades, then use them in accessories, for example, buy pink or lilac towels.

  1. Walls in flower. This design corresponds to olive style and shabi-chic. For the female half, such a design will seem cute. But men will begin to rich in the eyes after 10 minutes of staying in the San Kozl.

  1. Fancy bathroom shelves and cabinets. Women are trying to use every centimeter of free square indoors and set different shelves and lockers. Men, on the contrary, love space. In this matter it is necessary to choose the golden middle. The best to divide the space along zones if you allow square meters.

General recommendations for the design of the bathroom

The choice of color scheme needs to be carried out not only by gender type, but also in accordance with the size of the room. Consider, black and all the dark shades cannot be chosen for too small rooms. Such colors will further reduce and compress space. And then the black tile is terribly impractical. You will have to make cleaning in the bathroom every day, because there are perfectly visible spots from toothpaste, lime bloom and simple dust. If you are a bathroom with modest sizes, then choose light shades. An excellent solution will paint the bathroom in white or dairy. This will emphasize the sophistication and will serve as the basis for multi-colored accessories.

Article on the topic: Placement of shelves on the wall: 5 stylish options

If you are lucky and you are the owner of the bathroom of impressive sizes. You can choose any shades in the design. Also an excellent version of the compromise will be the division of the male and female half of the room. Make a design room A la Yin-Yan. Color one wall in a dark color, and another in white or bright red.

When choosing a design, try to follow the style of minimalism. He equally likes and women, and men, besides, it is very easy to combine with any color decision. It is great and freshly like a bathroom in oriental style, where only a multi-colored mosaic is attracted on the wall or sex, and the rest of the interior is designed and minimalist.

Chocolate and brown colors of the bathroom is already a modern classic. Just choose the necessary accessories. These colors are best combined with white plumbing and gold cranes and shower. The design of the bronze will give a feeling of wealth and luxury.

Many couples try not to experiment and choose shades that are most often used in the bathroom interior - it is blue and green. These colors perfectly refresh the space and emphasize the comfort, but they are boring. We offer to combine them together. Just choose not dark, saturated shades, and the broken colors of blue and green. With the cleaner, you will achieve a beautiful Mediterranean style.

Remember, our tips are relative, of course, we recommend that they adhere to, but the main thing is that the design like you yourself.

Bathroom Design Tile Two Colors Black and White (1 video)

Bathroom for Two (14 photos)

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