How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series "Sherlock"


The famous apartment on Baker Street, 221-B the main characters of Sherlock is stylized under the classic English interior of the Victorian era, which gives the whole room old-fashioned and sophistication. At the same time, there are elements of modernity, which dilute the design and create a special contrast between these epochs. To create the interior of the time we see in the apartment while watching the series, designers had to spend many hours in finding the necessary things 30-40. last century. They bought goods in online stores (books, household items), on antique auctions and shops. Moreover, many items were added during filming the actors themselves. The famous Skull of Bizon, who liked the TV viewers so much, was added to the apartment with the Sherlock team along with the main actor. The result was truly impressive, he was able to be awesome viewers when watching the series. Many fans like this so much that they are now trying to transfer this atmosphere of England in their apartment.

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

Basic interior details in the series

The first thing to pay attention is the walls, namely the focus wall. In Sherlock, it was picked up by the classic Zoffany cream color wallpaper. The cost of one such role is from 2 thousand rubles. It is not necessary to look for just such wallpapers, it is enough to purchase any with the patterns of heraldic lilies or another flower performed in one color. Instead of the wall, you can use the inner or outer part of the wardrobe, protrusions, niches.

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

In the show itself you can see other wallpapers, for example, there is a minimum of 3 species in the living room, two of them with patterns. Against this background, the emphasis of the wall must be allocated.

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Create contrast, combine expensive with cheap; Modern with old-fashioned. In the TV series, many classic details of the interior are opposed to goods of mass consumption, for example, with things from IKEA (a chair on which Sherlock Holmes Detective Sherlock is constantly sits; Torsher "Sothdid", commercially available in Russian stores IKEA).

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

The poster with a skull on the wall is the main element that creates the contrast between old-fashioned things, was written by the English artist John Pinketon. The cost of such a picture is 300 euros, but the image can be printed for free on a color printer and put in your apartment.

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

The main difference in the interior in the style of Sherlock is the presence of British elements. Classic tea set, figurines, pillows in the form of British flags or cards are well suitable as the main elements of the classical English interior.

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

The colors you want to use:

  1. Brown.
  2. Grey.
  3. White.
  4. The black.
  5. Pale green.

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

These colors are well combined with each other and are found all over the apartment of the detectives of the series. It is best to use them together with all sorts of shades. A variety creates a unique charm of old-fashioned and originality.

Use of personal belongings

Designers, working with the furnishings of the apartment of the main characters, set the main goal - through material things to reflect tastes and interests of characters. And it turned out. Collections of butterflies, portraits of famous figures (Edgar Alan PO), family photos of relatives, old books, thematic magazines, violin - objects that reflect what Sherlock Holmes do in their free time. You can make the same way.

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

Arrange your personal items in sight so that every item creates the impression of the Boxed Apartments!

Analogs of furniture from the series Sherlock Holmes (1 video)

Interior in English style from the series Sherlock (14 photos)

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

How to stylize your accommodation under the room from the series

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