Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles


With the approach of the holiday of all lovers, many think about the version of it. Family couples are more difficult, they have their own obligations, and there is no time to visit any entertainment places. There is a way out of this situation - create a romantic at home at home.

Mandatory attribute when decorating a room in a romantic style - candles. There are a lot of types of candles. They can be:

  1. Paraffin - have a low cost;

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

  1. Wax - burn longer;

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

  1. Gel - have an unusual design.

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

At the same time, they can be decorative and flavored, with the addition of essential oils, which gradually fill the room with a pleasant aroma. The aroma is better to choose one or with the overall effect - exciting or relaxing.

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

Replace ordinary candles with artificial. They work from batteries, change the color and intensity of burning. In addition, they are absolutely safe.

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

The candle form differ significantly. For a romantic evening, wide or candles-tablets are ideal. They can be classic dairy or painted in another color. For lovers, it is better to stay on a classic bright or red version.

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

Using candles

Now about the use of candles in the interior of the room. It all depends only from fantasy. It is worth considering 5 effective ways to use that will necessarily enshore the second half.

Festive composition

This will require different additional items. The first is a tray on which the composition will be formed. A candle can be put on an exalted object or in a beautiful glass and to bandage it with a red ribbon. Put the fruit or put a bouquet of flowers, preferably a small one in a circle. When the light is in the room, the light will dispel its rays with a glass in all directions and illuminated all around.

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Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

Romantic bed

If the action takes place in the bedroom, the classic option is to fall asleep the bed of rose petals. To put a bouquet of flowers on one bedside table, and on another bottle of champagne and two glasses. Candles are placed in a circle of bed or on the bedside tables. In the first case, it can be candles-tablets, and in the second thick and high candles.

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

Lights in the bathroom

Tune in a romantic way better in the bathroom. Warm water with foam and pleasant oils will contribute to this. In the corners of the bathroom put the candles, and the rose petals scatter on the foam. Wrouders of a spacious bathroom can be envied, they can put into swimming tablets in swimming, as they are not drown, and they will move smoothly on the water.

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

Romantic dinner

Classic option of a romantic evening. There will be a candlesticks, but they can be replaced by glasses or glasses. Small colored pebbles, coffee grains or beads poured in them, and deepen the candle slightly. In the absence of electricity, the candles should be enough to illuminate the table and create a twilight in the room. In this case, you need to prepare a festive menu in advance. It should be light and romantic. Wine or champagne with fruit. This will be enough. Main situation.

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

Burning room

Candles placed at the head level will illuminate the room in a different rather than from the floor. Therefore, if there is a sufficient number of shelves in the room, they can be used to align the festive equipment. A sense of mysteriousness and eroticity will be created, which will allow to relax and liberate both partners.

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

Using candles when decorating the room, it is important to remember that the candles are quite dangerous. They can cause a fire when used.

Decor for Valentine's Day. Candle with hearts. DECOR FOR VALENTINE'S DAY (1 video)

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Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

Bright romantic: 5 spectacular use of candles

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