Eclectic in the interior


Do not know how to issue an interior because you like several styles at once? Mix them! Weave of multiple styles - this is the ideological base of eclecticism. But it is impossible to be confused with ordinary chaos. Eclecticism implies not a mixture of everything in a row, but a competent connection that can be achieved by following certain rules.

Basic principles

Eclecticism is one of the most complex styles, as things are combined from completely different times. How to make such an interior harmonious? It is necessary to link items together, which can be achieved using the techniques described below.

Eclectic in the interior

Eclectic in the interior

How many styles can be used

The combination of 3 styles is the optimal option for eclecticism. Experienced designers do not advise you to take more areas, otherwise the room will be tasteless, and the connection of all elements will become a challenging task.

Color spectrum

For the floor and the ceiling, it is recommended to take one or two nonsense colors as a basis. Thanks to this, it is easier to combine a wide variety of items.

Eclectic in the interior

Eclectic in the interior

Eclectic in the interior

To create an eclectic interior, it is advised to use no more than 5-6 colors:

  1. 1-2 incremental colors for the ceiling and floor as the basis. Great white, cream, gray and beige.
  2. 1-2 colors for furniture.
  3. 1-2 colors for decorative elements and textiles, like pillows, paintings, carpet, floor lamp and more. There are no restrictions here. More often choose blue, yellow, olive, turquoise, pink.

Eclectics admits and approves the use of contrasts.


Furniture occupies a central place in this style. Do not be afraid to experiment - here you can put a sofa in the style of Rococo and a modern coffee table. The main thing - they must have something in common. It can be:

  • color;
  • material;
  • the form;
  • pattern;
  • texture;
  • Same accessories.

It is the search for something in common - the key to the creation of an interior in the eclectic style.

Eclectic in the interior

Eclectic in the interior

Eclectic in the interior

For example, take the shape of the circle as the basis. Then you can put a round table, hang a round mirror, lay a round carpet and decorate a sofa round pillows.

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The easiest way to choose the central element, then select the other items to it, which will be combined in color, form or anything else. And if the entire interior is united by one idea, he will become a real masterpiece.

Excellent furniture with carvings, openwork elements, smooth lines and elegant decor, vintage options.


Absolutely any items are used as decor: figurines, paintings, floral compositions, vases, dishes. It is allowed to use a lot of decorations, but do not get carried away. Do not forget that the interior must be comfortable and adapted for a comfortable life.

If you are a lovers of paintings, then Melo can decorate the room with them, sticking to one rule. So that all works of art formed a single composition, pick up the pictures with the same topic or made in similar colors.

Eclectic in the interior

Eclectic in the interior

The eclectics often encounters gold-plated frames and lamps, curved lines, elegant and unusual patterns. An excellent addition will be souvenirs brought from different countries.


Use of layers - frequently used ads. It is allowed to make multi-level ceilings, decorated walls and ceiling stucco, combine large and small items. Place major items in the background, for example, pictures, and small ones. It will give the depth of the room.

Eclectic in the interior

Eclectic in the interior

Eclectic in the interior

Do not forget about the basic rules. Multi-level ceilings are not recommended to do in rooms with a small area and low ceiling, otherwise the room will visually decrease and seem cluttered.

Eclectic in the interior of the living room for creative people (1 video)

Eclectic examples in the interior (14 photos)

Eclectic in the interior

Eclectic in the interior

Eclectic in the interior

Eclectic in the interior

Eclectic in the interior

Eclectic in the interior

Eclectic in the interior

Eclectic in the interior

Eclectic in the interior

Eclectic in the interior


Eclectic in the interior

Eclectic in the interior

Eclectic in the interior

Eclectic in the interior

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