Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options


The bed should stand out on the overall background of the bedroom? Simply - pick up the original bed linen or transform the headboard. But another option is possible - use the designer model. Some of them do not come to the usual person. Designers are so fond of experimentation that they invent new and completely unusual sleeping places, which are called the bed and does not work. They differ from soft and familiar to all beds.

Units will dare to buy an original bed. But those who dare - significantly change the interior of the room. This option is suitable for people prone to change, not afraid to experiment.

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

There is a lot of design developments, but it is worth considering 8 options that are affected by the psyche of the average person.

Forest bed

This is an ordinary bed, with a small adjustment. In the corners there are forged trees. Each branch, leaf and bending of the barrel are worked out to the smallest detail. While in such a bed, you can relax and enjoy the setting. A sense of stay in a fabulous forest will be created, especially if you create an appropriate setting. The disadvantage of this bed is a big weight. Therefore, to apply and transfer it problematic.

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

bird's Nest

In the nests of birds grow their chicks. A designer bed model in the form of a huge nest will help to plunge into this atmosphere. She is soft and interesting, in it will like to relax and spend your free time to children.

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

Feel Deluxe

This is a soft bed consisting of soft and pleasant to the touch balls connected by thread. They are comfortable to sleep in any position to everyone without exception. This is possible due to 120 fragments of a spherical shape with a diameter of 20 cm.

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

Magnetic bed

It is a platform with magnets in the housing and in its lower part. For reliability, it is tied with steel ropes for corners. The maximum load on the bed is up to 900 kg, and its weight is 80 kg.

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But it is worth noting that it can harm the person due to the magnetic field affecting the entire body, both with the benefit and vice versa.

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options


It is nice to relax on the seashore, river or in the country area, relaxing in a hammock in the shade of trees. Designer Le Beanock took such an idea and designed a room hammock. As a result, it turned out an elegant and unusual bed, which will be appropriate in the attic or near the fireplace. It is suitable for an adult man, child or teenager room.

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

Soaring bed

There may be a feeling that it is soaring in the air. In reality, it is fixed to the wall and keeps it. But only those who live in private houses with a fortified wall can afford it can afford it. In Khrushchev, it will not be possible to use such a bed, without harming the construction.

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

Huge plexus of threades

The bed in the literal sense is woven from cables. They are soft and thick, resemble yarn, and weaving - knitted canvas. It looks pretty interesting. It can be comfortably accommodated in the evening and read your favorite book.

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

Giant pillow

Giant marshmallow with place in the middle for a person. The only thing that may seem strange is to sleep. As far as it is conveniently unknown, this idea looks original and striking it for sure.

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

Today, no one will surprise an ordinary bed or even round. Diversify the interior will help such unusual ideas as the above-described models. They are created not so much for comfort as for an unusual design and is safe to sleep in them unknown, because during sleep a person should relax, in particular his spine. Before you decide to buy an unusual bed, we should weigh everything in and against.

The most unusual beds of the world (1 video)

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Agrowing beds (14 photos)

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

Bed Design: 8 Affecting Options

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