How the interior affects your personal life


It is known that human character is reflected in the interior of his dwelling. But there is also a reverse reaction. For example, if you put the mirrors in the room at a certain angle and in the center of the room will be a person, it will experience inexplicable fear. This is due to the fact that the mirrors reflect the waves peculiarly, which become the cause of fear.

The way the furniture plays a huge role in a person's life and is essential affects the mental state. Here are some examples of what you can not do:

  1. Place the work area with your back to the entrance to the room. If it is impossible, it is worth tanned by its partition or shirma. Otherwise, a person will be distracted, feel discomfort and constant tension, even if he is alone in the house;

How the interior affects your personal life

  1. Open a bedroom to universal viewing, especially bed. This is an intimate place that can bring the trouble on the relationship between partners;

How the interior affects your personal life

How the interior affects your personal life

  1. The lack of light will cause the appearance of unpleasant thoughts and depression, and the surplus will not be concentrated and relax;

How the interior affects your personal life

How the interior affects your personal life

  1. Refuse indoor plants. They are a part of nature and contain its energy that should be in every home and give energy to human;

How the interior affects your personal life

  1. Close space. Litterness will put pressure on the subconscious, and the emptiness causes the deficit of feelings in the depths of the soul.

How the interior affects your personal life

Flower influence

There is a lot of style directions, but a greater effect on a person has a color that prevails in the room or is in the center of attention.

A person is a complex mechanism capturing the slightest changes. Sounds, objects, shapes and colors affect its operation. Today it is known to almost everyone, but how dangerous or the opposite will close a certain color, they know the units and only in general outlines. Therefore, it is worth considering the effect of fixed colors:

  1. Red. It is associated with aggression, blood, power and excitation. He is able to drown out any other color with its temperament. But it is not worth a categorically from him to refuse. With the right combination of it with a calmer and neutral color, the red will send its energy to another line - will help with the decline of forces, depressions, will put the intimate life between spouses;

Article on the topic: What style should be used forged decor?

How the interior affects your personal life

  1. Orange - warm and friendly. It is suitable for children's rooms, bedrooms and living rooms. The overabundance of the color will distort the room by depriving it comfort. It is important to use it moderately and combine with blue, gray or blue shades;

How the interior affects your personal life

  1. Yellow. Associated with the Sun. This is a cheerful and summer color that will become an excellent base of the room, which will be filled with air, warm and visually expand. It can be used absolutely in any room;

How the interior affects your personal life

  1. Green. He has a lot of shades, they all differ in their characteristics. Light green acts soothing and plunges into a certain trance. It is suitable for people who have work related to attentiveness, preferably and reflections. Saturated green in combination with gold symbolizes about the luxury and sufficiency of residents at home, will push for improvement;

How the interior affects your personal life

  1. Blue - free, light and air. He is pleasant to perception and refers to cold colors. But it is better to add warm colors, for example red or orange. They will interact perfectly;

How the interior affects your personal life

  1. Purple is one of the most complex colors that deeply affects the lives of residents at home. Exceptionally professionals can work with him, as it can lead to depression, depression and decline.

How the interior affects your personal life

As can be seen, it is impossible to use one color for interior design. In order for the person to feel comfortable, it is necessary to properly arrange furniture items, otherwise life can drastically change and sometimes not for the better.

Color in the interior. As the interior color affects man (1 video)

The interior affects your personal life (14 photos)

How the interior affects your personal life

How the interior affects your personal life

How the interior affects your personal life

How the interior affects your personal life

How the interior affects your personal life

How the interior affects your personal life

How the interior affects your personal life

How the interior affects your personal life

How the interior affects your personal life

How the interior affects your personal life

How the interior affects your personal life

How the interior affects your personal life

How the interior affects your personal life

How the interior affects your personal life

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