New life of the Scandinavian classics


The main features of the classic Scandinavian style in the interior and design is concise minimalism. Houses made in this style are filled with light and abundance of unoccupied space. These style was a long time popular, but after entering the full minimalism, the Scandinavian style has lost its popularity. Recently, the Scandinavian classic has become a special popularity in Russia and the CIS countries. This is due to the fact that this style appreciates not only free space, but also functionality.

New life of the Scandinavian classics

But for a long time, many design solutions of the Scandinavian classics have undergone changes. About these changes, as well as how to adopt into modernity and our country will be discussed in this article.

1. White, black and pastel colors. This set of colors remains unchanged, only the dark wood colors were added to them. Such a set is incomplete - it is blonde that reflects the light that allows you to make the room lighter. Therefore, the Scandinavian style abandoned dark woody colors - they absorbed the light, which is why more funds went on electricity.

New life of the Scandinavian classics

New life of the Scandinavian classics

2. Environmentally friendly materials. These are also trees, glass, ceramics, wool and skin. Looking at the examples of Scandinavian design, you are very rare when you see plastic or synthetic materials. It is not only eco-friendly, but also looks very expensive.

New life of the Scandinavian classics

New life of the Scandinavian classics

3. Borders between rooms. Previously, there was a partition between the kitchen and the dining room. Little but was. With the last solutions of the interior from the partitions, it was decided to get rid of at all. Thus, the borders are slowly erased between the rooms, which allows you to visually make the apartment even more. Plus, it is functional. It is much more convenient when the library (or just a bookshelf) is located next to the lounge.

New life of the Scandinavian classics

New life of the Scandinavian classics

4. Small details. The main difference from the same minimalism is the presence of a large number of decorative subjects. The Scandinavian classic only supports the presence of a large amount of shelves with figures, books and photographs, paintings and carpets. All these things have been added to the interior not just like that. The apartment should be the place where you want to return and spend time, and for this it should be filled with things that like the owner.

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New life of the Scandinavian classics

New life of the Scandinavian classics

5. Style flexibility. Scandinavian style is not unique. Some similarities are also present in other styles, which is why the Scandinavian classic is perfectly combined with other styles. A bright example is a harmonious mixture of Scandinavian and English classics.

New life of the Scandinavian classics

New life of the Scandinavian classics

The English classic is a style in design, in which the preference is given to furniture consisting of simple shapes with smooth lines. A large number of colors are allowed, but they must be muffled.

Thus, the abundance of flowers, the free space and the functionality obtained by the combination of these two styles will make any apartment ideal for housing.

6. Plants. What remains unchanged. Another distinctive feature of the Scandinavian style is the abundance of plants in the house. In some cases, plants are almost the only decoration. For example, in cases where the entire shelf in the living room is set. Plants only benefit - they are saturated with oxygen room, add natural and bright colors to the interior and do not require special care.

New life of the Scandinavian classics

New life of the Scandinavian classics

The love of many people to this style is completely isolated. In the Scandinavian classics adhere to simplicity, but they do not bring it to the absurdity: the rooms look spacious, but at the same time, they are filled with things, not particularly necessary. This style, in contrast to many, appreciates the functionality. But he is very flexible, which allows him for many years to be a leading style in design.

8 rules of the Scandinavian interior design (1 video)

Scandinavian style in the interior (14 photos)

New life of the Scandinavian classics

New life of the Scandinavian classics

New life of the Scandinavian classics

New life of the Scandinavian classics

New life of the Scandinavian classics

New life of the Scandinavian classics

New life of the Scandinavian classics

New life of the Scandinavian classics

New life of the Scandinavian classics

New life of the Scandinavian classics

New life of the Scandinavian classics

New life of the Scandinavian classics

New life of the Scandinavian classics

New life of the Scandinavian classics

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