What interior elements will make you healthier


A stylish modern interior, beautifully decorated premises always make happy owners of their own housing. In some homes, the owners feel fine, in others - discomfort is felt, frequent headaches are observed. Such a phenomenon is no longer a riddle for psychologists, doctors, designers, ecologists. It is important to correctly organize the space in the house, make it a real fortress, in which there is no place for illnesses. Therefore, when creating the interior should be taken care of his "Health" too.

What interior elements will make you healthier

Give the interior of the healing properties, make the house cozy, harmonious will help the recommendations of specialists.

Environmentally friendly materials

Choose them follows during the construction of a house or repair. Among the large variety of materials are 100% security:

  1. A natural stone. This is a natural biostimulator. Use marble or granite to finish - the correct solution. They do not emit toxic substances, anti-allergies. Some breeds have bactericidal properties. That is why they are used in sanatoriums, recreation homes, medical institutions.
  2. Wood. Its properties are unique. This material is able to maintain the temperature of theater balance. Some breeds of trees allocate volatile substances warning the development of diseases. Normalizes the pine respiratory system. Even after the saw allocates phytoncides into the atmosphere, which improve the overall condition of the body. Cedar has antiseptic actions. In the room where this material uses, the minimum number of bacteria is contained, it kills fungi and harmful microorganisms.
  3. Silicate and clay brick. It is reliable, durable, contains environmentally friendly components.

What interior elements will make you healthier

What interior elements will make you healthier

What interior elements will make you healthier

You should buy only certified materials. The packaging should stand a sign of European quality - CE. For finishing, it is advisable to use natural materials. When used, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the manufacturers.


For health, an important indicator is the simplicity of the interior. Man after labor everydays should relax. Simple forms inside the house are easier perceived, help to remove tension. When creating a design, it is recommended to avoid sharp angles, complex architectural forms, a large number of mirror surfaces, the particle elements of the decor. From a psychological point of view, compositions from geometric figures are well perceived. Then the journey of the lines, contradictory lines cause irritation. For a person, rounded shapes causing security are more pleasant.

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What interior elements will make you healthier

What interior elements will make you healthier

What interior elements will make you healthier


Live plantings and plants depicted in drawings and pictures are useful for health. They contribute to the improvement of mental equilibrium, physical condition, efficiency.

Professor from Sweden Roger Ulrich suggests that the view from the window on the park zone or on the wallpaper with the image of plants faster restores the body after illness and reduces the number of taking painkillers.

The positive effect of colors on the homely atmosphere is proved scientifically. They reassure the psyche, absorb harmful substances, saturate the air in the room with oxygen. It is recommended to have in your home such plants:

  1. Decorative lemon tree. It cleans air, destroying bacteria and harmful microorganisms.
  2. Geranium. Suppresses the negative energy, treats cold, normalizes sleep, reduces depression, scares insects (flies and mole).
  3. Mint. Provides a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieves fatigue and irritation, improves appetite.
  4. Cactus. It absorbs electromagnetic radiation harmful to health. Therefore, it is recommended to put it next to the TV and computer equipment.

What interior elements will make you healthier

What interior elements will make you healthier

What interior elements will make you healthier

Other plants bring benefits. These include: Ficus, Laurel, Begonia, Asparagus, Aloe, Rosemary.


A powerful tool affecting the human psyche is color. Some shades can annoy others - inspire. Therefore, when creating an interior of premises, this criterion must be considered. Yellow color stimulates the digestive and nervous system, so ideal for the kitchen. Green shades soothe, relax - a great option for the bedroom. Light tones cause positive emotions. Blue color acts as relax, and blue - causes confidence.

What interior elements will make you healthier

What interior elements will make you healthier

What interior elements will make you healthier

Empty importance for creating a healthy atmosphere in the house play decor elements. It is not recommended to use pictures, drawings, photos with an aggressive plot. Decorations should carry positive energy.

To create a healthy interior, it is necessary to ensure the influx of fresh air. This will warn the appearance of humidity on surfaces, furniture, decor that contributes to the appearance and spread of pathogens of microbes.

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What interior elements will make you healthier

What interior elements will make you healthier

What interior elements will make you healthier

What interior elements will make you healthier

What interior elements will make you healthier

What interior elements will make you healthier

What interior elements will make you healthier

What interior elements will make you healthier

What interior elements will make you healthier

What interior elements will make you healthier

What interior elements will make you healthier

What interior elements will make you healthier

What interior elements will make you healthier

What interior elements will make you healthier

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