Prospects for 3D printing in the interior


Computer graphics will quickly wake the world. This is a stereo and photo wallpaper. After a 3D printer entered our life, various household items appeared and even furniture made on such a device.

Photo wallpaper

Already no one will surprise 3D wallpaper. When the picture on the wall looks unusually realistic. With the help of such wallpapers:

  • The space is expanding, the walls, as if disappear.
  • Wear-resistant materials are used for the manufacture of such wallpapers.
  • Latex paints are used. They protect the product from various damage and do not fade in the sun.
  • For their manufacture, only environmentally friendly components are used.

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

When this new finishing material appears, the idea of ​​photo walls has changed.

Stereoscopic wallpaper

The word "stereo" most often emphasize the sound of sounds from different sources, that is, the volume. Stereoboes are also bulk, but visually.

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

3D printing

For this technology, the future. You can print almost everything on the 3D printer. These are decorations, vases and other dishes, animal figures and lamps, furniture and even at home.


The 3D printer creates just unique furniture masterpieces. This is exactly the case when you can implement almost any idea. In the manufacture of furniture, individual elements or minor fastening parts can be made, and the remaining parts are made in the usual form of wood or metal. It is also possible to make both the piece of furniture fully.

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior


A lampshade, ceiling or sconium, printed on a 3D printer, can be absolutely any shape or size. When printing on such a printer, it is possible to perform the thinnest lines of lines and parts, which is difficult to do with a different method of processing one or another material. The light passing through such a magnitude creates an extraordinary effect of playing light and shadows.

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Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

Transformers plaffers uniquely look. Equally, such lampshades and floor lamps made from multi-colored plastic look original.

Vases and decorative sculptures

With the help of additive technology, you can create an infinite set of unique decorative sculptures. It can be:

  • Vases and porridge diverse species and sizes;
  • Animal sculptures;
  • Figurines, both modern design and retro;
  • Candlesticks of the most bizarre form.

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

All these cute little things can also be performed not only from plastic, but also absolutely different materials.


After the metal 3D-print appeared, it became possible to produce incredible door handles, locks and latches. In the manufacture of such objects, a lot of time and forces were spent manually, and now everything is done quickly and easily.

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

Glass products

Handmade glass products are very expensive pleasure. 3D print made them available at a price.

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

Form products made of glass not as from plastic, where the product is printed with layers. With the help of the printer, the mold is made and poured into it molten glass. Removing the shape, get an exquisite and unique product.


Although it was not possible to reduce the production of ceramics with a 3D printer, but it turned out to make it shockproof.

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

When forming each priced clay layer, a special press is used. After firing, the product is obtained very durable. But the price is not inferior to manual work.


Designed construction printing machines. They are many times higher than the standard 3D printer. They also printed not with plastic, but quickly hardening concrete. And let the production of houses, made in this way, have not yet been delivered to the flow, but in the future it will be possible.

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

The world does not stand still. Everything changes. All modern technologies come to replace manual work. Perhaps in the near future it will be possible to come up with a unique sofa or an original chair, develop them on a computer and go to the nearest workshop so that they are printed there. Or maybe even the house is to build in this way, will not be difficult.

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3D Printing in Interior Design (1 video)

3D Stamp Home Decor (14 photos)

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior


Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

Prospects for 3D printing in the interior

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