Glass partitions to order: Features of modern zoning


In modern houses and apartments surrendered by developers in new buildings, there is one important feature - free layout. She implies that the user will decide independently, where it will be located the wall, and how to dispose of the available space. In order to correctly distribute square meters on the functional zones, you can use partitions from glass manufactured to order. This solution is distinguished by universality and originality, can ideally fit in almost any interior and does not require high costs from the user.

Glass partitions for the house functionally completely replace the walls, but during the construction does not use capital construction techniques. They can be mounted in almost any room, not surviving for the supporting ability of support structures, as the weight of even the largest models is less than a conventional brick wall or concrete slab. All this gives freedom in the zoning of the premises and does not limit the owner in the implementation of original projects.

Varieties of glass partitions

It is worth noting that the division of species and classes here is quite conditional. There are models designed for home. They are distinguished by high aesthetics, a variety of art additions, designer tricks and other ways of decoration. The second large group is office partitions. Here the first place is functional and practicality. After all, the office space, first of all, should be comfortable and understandable to employees.

From the point of view of the functional, the following versions can be distinguished:

  • Stationary. They are installed on reliable supporting structures, are screwed to the ceiling and sex, and it is possible to dismiss such a structure only with special tools.
  • Mobile. Complete opposite of the previous option. The canvas are mounted on special guides and can move in space, depending on the planning requirements for a specific period of time. As a rule, mobile analogs are used in offices, shopping and shops. With their help, you can easily divide the space into several full-fledged cabinets, or using the mobile system, create a large conference room, negotiation, etc.
  • Transformers. These are the most high-tech zoning means, whose main task is to instantly adapt to the needs of the user. They perfectly combine the functions of walls, office furniture, various accessories, jewelry, can be folded and folded, change the angle of rotation and perform other maneuvers.

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Glass partitions to order: Features of modern zoning

Naturally, the harder the design, the higher its price. Therefore, before stopping the choice on a specific configuration, it is better to carefully weigh all the strengths and weaknesses of the model. So you can not overpay for unnecessary functionality and get a really useful design.

Materials for the production of glass partitions

Glass partitions can be made from a variety of materials species. However, given the specifics of their operation, the selected raw material should be the most durable and reliable. The hardening canvases are best suited to withstand not only scratches, but also a solid mechanical impact. High temperatures strengthen molecular ties, making glass not only more durable, but also heavy.

The second option is protective films. They glue the finished cloth and perform a similar function. At the same time, even if the screen succeeds to break, it will not fall onto hundreds of fragments, but will remain in one place preventing injury.

The process of cutting glass in size, especially specialized, is quite complicated from a technical point of view. The ABS-Glass company offers to purchase glass partitions to order with perfectly retracted parameters so that the design is successfully fitted in your interior. Contact the manufacturer directly, without overpaying the intermediaries!

  • Glass partitions to order: Features of modern zoning
  • Glass partitions to order: Features of modern zoning
  • Glass partitions to order: Features of modern zoning
  • Glass partitions to order: Features of modern zoning
  • Glass partitions to order: Features of modern zoning

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