Little Cuisine: Design Tips


In many apartment buildings, the kitchen metrah is completely small. It is especially acute this is felt in the Soviet buildings. Many owners lack free space in this room: here you need to fit all the kitchen utensils, household appliances, and also a dining table. How to competently use each centimeter of the kitchen space and make it the most spacious as possible, but at the same time functional? This article presents tips on the design and arrangement of a small kitchen, so that even such a small room to squeeze the maximum benefit, amenities and comfort for themselves and their family.

Color solutions

The simplest thing is that you can come up with a visual expansion of space this is used in the kitchen white color. The use of white kitchen heads is a win-win option. First, the room will look lighter and cheerful. Secondly, such furniture looks very stylish. Light shades are also suitable: milk, cream, ivory.

Little Cuisine: Design Tips

White kitchens can be used in Scandinavian style, as well as in the style of Provence. These are the most fashionable trends at the moment.

Complete light colors can be contrasting details that are harmony with the selected tint. And here is another advantage of white - it is perfectly combined with any other color. The only minus is that such a kitchen will be more stamp, but let it become an incentive to regular light cleaning.

Little Cuisine: Design Tips

There is another option that is suitable for visual increase in the kitchen space: use furniture in the color of the walls. Thus, the boundaries of furniture visually disappear, and the kitchen looks much more than it really is.

Little Cuisine: Design Tips

Little Cuisine: Design Tips

Choice of furniture

Rationally fill out a small space of the kitchen and not to make it too close - a truly difficult task. You can cope with it like this: choose one wall and fill it with furniture to the ceiling itself, choosing high kitchen cabinets. The thing is that if you install lockers from the floor to the ceiling, then they seem to be soles with the wall. All the rest of the space should be left for the dining table.

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Little Cuisine: Design Tips

Bottom boxes of the kitchen headset are more convenient to use for things that will be used frequently. To the top, respectively, fold everything else.

Usually, after all, the hostesses lacking one wall to accommodate kitchen furniture, and they acquire an angular kitchen set. In this case, the furniture forms a working triangle. In a small kitchen, such a solution is very convenient because everything you need is at hand and it remains enough space for the dining table.

Little Cuisine: Design Tips

TV can be hung on a free wall using brackets. So he will absolutely will not occupy an excess place.

Little Cuisine: Design Tips

Another admission for visual expansion of space is the use of lockers with transparent doors. However, it is impossible to litter such lockers, and then the effect will be reverse. Similar to this, the use of shelves and open cabinets makes the kitchen more spacious and spacious, but it is not necessary to race them.

Little Cuisine: Design Tips

Tables and chairs should choose the most elegant and light, since bulky furniture will take too much space. The table can be replaced by a bar, it will significantly save space. In general, the furniture for the kitchen should be as functional as possible.

Little Cuisine: Design Tips

Decor elements

The right choice of decor can also help to feel space in the kitchen. To do this, you can use:

  • Mirror kitchen apron - an interesting designer solution.
  • Rolled or Roman curtains occupy places less than ordinary. Therefore, it makes sense to abandon the usual curtains with bulky cornices.
  • Curtains are better used with a large pattern.
  • Good lighting. If the lights out of the window are not enough, it is better to add backlight to the kitchen headset.
  • Hinged ceiling with a mirror effect creates the illusion of free space.

Little Cuisine: Design Tips

Little Cuisine: Design Tips

Little Cuisine: Design Tips

Little Cuisine: Design Tips

Little kitchen is not a sentence. We just need to come to the arrangement of this premises with the mind, using ideas from this article. Well, the main advice: get rid of all unnecessary! After all, if the kitchen is littered with the utensils that you do not use, think: maybe it is not very necessary for you?

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