5 Basic Interior Design Rules


Each of us wants to bring beauty and comfort to the interior so that friends or relatives admire your housing. But not everyone is born by designers or architects capable of designing masterpieces. Fortunately, today it is absolutely not necessary to invite a professional designer, because the feeling of excellent can be developed independently. With the help of the tips below, you can turn living space into a convenient, functional and cozy nest.

Space layout - key to success

One of the main stages in design is a functional planning of space in the room. There are online programs for computers and smartphones in which it is possible to create an interior layout. With their help, it is not difficult to introduce a view of the future room, placing furniture and decor elements.

  • If there is no way to use the online program, draw an exemplary plan of objects on paper. Schematic arrangement of objects will help prevent errors in furniture placing.
  • When planning, remember the habits and lifestyle of your family members.

Calculating planning will help to avoid numerous movements of furniture and mind of wallpaper, because with the help of programs or schematic sketches it is possible to design the space in advance.

5 Basic Interior Design Rules

5 Basic Interior Design Rules

Lighting will deploy accents

In the interior, each detail is important. Therefore, you should choose the light correctly. With the help of correctly selected lighting, it is possible to visually lift the ceilings, give space more volume, as well as hide small disadvantages of design.


  • Use daylight to the maximum.
  • Do not forget about wall luminaires, candles and floor lamps. It is they who give the comfort room.
  • If the room is large, then you need from 4 to 8 light sources. If the room is small, then it is enough 2-4.
  • Pay attention to the mirrors. If they are located opposite the windows, the room will look lighter, and also visually expand.

Article on the topic: [Overview of the design] House Alexandra Tsecalo on Rublevka for $ 270 million

5 Basic Interior Design Rules

5 Basic Interior Design Rules

Do not spare funds for furniture

Designers of residential premises, dealing with numerous orders, advise not to save on furniture. It is correct, as the upholstered furniture plays an important role in the perception of the room. Going to the store, decide on the details of the future furniture: what color will fit, from which it will be made, accurate size.

  • Prefer furniture with a neutral style uphill. It is universal, for example, a sofa will not get tired of you in a few years.
  • The closet should be chosen carefully. Consider that the color and material of the wardrobe change the sight of the entire premises.

5 Basic Interior Design Rules

5 Basic Interior Design Rules

Add a particle to interior

It should be remembered that the interior you are equipping for yourself. Be sure to add something related to you to give the room with warmth. To tell a lot about the taste of the owner can such design elements like paintings, decorative pillows, chairs, unusual curtains on the windows.


  • Be sure to add memorable photos or pictures to the interior. Around them you can organize other elements, such as lighting or furniture.
  • Do not place the pictures very high. You should hang them just above the middle of the wall.

5 Basic Interior Design Rules

5 Basic Interior Design Rules

Plants will not harm

Often in planning space plants do not pay attention. In a carefully thought out room there should be flowers or trees in pots. The design becomes several times fresh and more beautiful, if you place, let's say, aloe tree. And if you add a few indoor trees, then the air will become cleaner, and the atmosphere will be freer.

5 Basic Interior Design Rules

5 Basic Interior Design Rules

5 Basic Interior Design Rules


Competently create space layout, using knowledge about the rules of design, without difficulty can be independently. During the arrangement, the purpose of the room, the habits of the owners and their lifestyle are taken into account. The apartment, designed by the rules, is cozy and beautiful, spacious and fresh. The comfortable interior is primarily filled with everything necessary, but it has nothing superfluous.

Article on the topic: Design kitchen living room 15 sq m and the correct placement of furniture [photo and video]

5 Basic Interior Design Rules

5 Basic Interior Design Rules

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