How to enter aquarium in the interior of the living room


Cool and lifeless modern interiors are no longer suitable for modern people. If 10 years ago, the minimalistic design of the future seemed to be the last word of the industry, today the inhabitants of large cities are burned to the comfort and home hearth.

Revive the cold space of the living room best helps decorative accessories with bright ornaments, indoor plants and aquarium fish. About how to competently embed aquarium in the interior of the home living room and will be discussed in this material.

Choosing a place in the living room for the future aquarium, you will have to simultaneously take into account many factors, such as: the size of the room, the freedom of access to the communications of the reservoir, lighting and only then go to the decorative component.

Aquarium that performs the role of the partition between the rooms looks very effectively. With it, the problem of the functionality of a small room is solved, in which there is no possibility to place a large object to be placed. The design of this type should be laid in the project of the house at the planning stage: it is necessary to provide a built-in niche for the tank and individual cabinets for communications.

How to enter aquarium in the interior of the living room

How to enter aquarium in the interior of the living room

How to enter aquarium in the interior of the living room

Built-in structures are often used to zoning the living room and dining room, as well as a living room and a bedroom. Unfortunately, the popularity of such aquarium is small: too complicated fastening and difficult access inside made the built-in design unclaimed.

This type is in great demand: furniture manufacturers enable customers to design a bookcase or furniture headset, indicating the necessary sizes of space to install the future aquarium and lighting devices.

How to enter aquarium in the interior of the living room

How to enter aquarium in the interior of the living room

In the spacious living rooms, the place of the coffee table can occupy a design with a glass table top and aquarium table. A simple and very functional solution where easy access to the water tank is provided. Perhaps the most interesting option for those who want to surprise their guests or to delight households, that will love to gather on chairs or sofas located around an unusual table with fish.

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The autonomous reservoir mounted on the Tube with wheels has a significant advantage - freedom of movement. If you choose an aquarium for the cognitive development of the child, the design installed on the end of the cabinet will become the easiest and most convenient option for decoring the living room.

How to enter aquarium in the interior of the living room

How to enter aquarium in the interior of the living room

Tired of the obsessive plasma television TV and do you want to peace and comfort? The original, but complex decision will be a flat suspended tank with fish, which will replace the usual plasma.

A separate type represents an aquarium built into a wide baguette: the impression of a volumetric moving picture is created.

How to enter aquarium in the interior of the living room

How to enter aquarium in the interior of the living room

The reservoir, mounted in the center of the column - the undertaking is not for small rooms. Such an aquarium will be a very successful solution for the studio apartment or a spacious hall, which must be divided into zones by means of auxiliary structures.

The lower and upper parts of the column serve not only by carrier elements, they contain all the necessary communications, securely hidden behind the secret panels.

How to enter aquarium in the interior of the living room

How to enter aquarium in the interior of the living room

Suspended flat aquariums will be appropriate in small rooms where there is no possibility to establish a built-in or independent design. Lighting such aquariums can be viewed as additional lighting of the living room itself.

How to enter aquarium in the interior of the living room

How to enter aquarium in the interior of the living room

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