Style wealth: stucco in the interior


The stucco is a spectacular decorative element that will successfully decorate and revitalizes the interior. So-called wall decors are very popular among those who are willing to experiment with the design of their own apartment. It must be admitted that the stucco is suitable for the premises of the decorated not only antique, but also in a modern style. In specialized salons The wide range presents a number of decorative elements, with which you can easily create the most original design concept of any room. The proposed stucco is available in various forms and sizes.

Application of stucco in the interior

Many years ago, our ancestors for making decor used only gypsum material. Innovative development of building materials allowed modern manufacturers to create decor elements not only from plaster. Today, decorative stucco is made of polymeric materials that are characterized by their ease and elasticity.

The use of this type of internal decoration makes it possible to give the room a unique style and special personality. However, it is important to "not overload" the room to remember that when using the stucco decoration, all elements of the intended interior should be taken into account.

Style wealth: stucco in the interior

Style wealth: stucco in the interior

The stucco can be manufactured both in production conditions and independently. To perform patterns with your own hands, you need to spend a lot of effort and time.

For the design of the room, the parts used are purchased separately and glued to the surface and only after that it is painted in the colors of different shades. Decoration elements are used to design walls and ceilings for the purpose of visual distinction of the vertical and horizontal surface.


This type of stucco is used in many interior styles, and makes it possible to emphasize its significant elements. Any shapes are used: rectangular, triangular, rounded and other geometric shapes. For edging applied:

  • Carniz planks. Decorative parts allow you to hide the device for fastening the curtains. This version of stucco can be combined with modern LED lighting and create an additional light source.
  • Ceiling plinth. Ideally fit both in modern and classic interiors. The main purpose of the plinth is to disguise the joints between the walls and the ceiling.
  • Planks are decorative. This stucco element provides a smooth transition between the wall and the ceiling, and visually increasing its height. Such properties allow you to use these products even in small rooms.
  • Wall moldings. A unique decorative element with which you can quickly change the boring interior of the living room, hallway, dining room or bedroom in accordance with individual preferences.

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Style wealth: stucco in the interior

Style wealth: stucco in the interior

Style wealth: stucco in the interior

Style wealth: stucco in the interior


When finishing the ceiling surface, the central part is highlighted, mainly the chandel area. For this use:

  • Round outlets with ornament. Estimates them, as a rule, around the chandelier and lamps. Decorated ceiling, thus, acquires an exceptional classic style.
  • Interior baths. Is an interesting ornamental element. It is used as a decoration of the ceiling in the form of a semicircular arch, perfectly combined with the chandelier, and become an ideal addition to the interior.

For fastening stucco, nails and screws often use. This will ensure the long-term and reliability of operation.

Style wealth: stucco in the interior

Style wealth: stucco in the interior

Style wealth: stucco in the interior

Style wealth: stucco in the interior


The stucco on the wall in the interior can be represented as:

  • Columns. The idea of ​​the original decoration in the modern interior. How many columns installed in a row can be a great way to separate the parts of the room, for example, a living room from the dining room. As a rule, the installation of columns is suitable for large and spacious premises.
  • Pilasters. Are decorative wall elements visually resembling columns. Ideal for spacious premises.
  • Door decorations. Door decorations are able to change the appearance of any interior to the unusual way. Significantly emphasize the shape of beautiful doors.
  • Corps-fireplace. The fireplace stucco is aimed at emphasizing its main function and is most often done in the classic style. The decoration of the housing patterns and figures emphasizes, and complement the situation.

Style wealth: stucco in the interior

Style wealth: stucco in the interior

Style wealth: stucco in the interior

The decorative plaster gives greater freedom in the field of interior design. Thanks to this decoration, everyone can turn his apartment into a work of art. However, it is worth considering that not in any style of stucco looks appropriate. Therefore, it is best to take advantage of the services of professionals who will be able to implement conceived ideas.

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