Russian design: And yet what is he?


In fact, it is difficult to highlight the Russian style in the separate group in the interior. Other countries have always influenced Russia. Many changes in the interior who came from Europe occurred during Peter First. Only the love of the Russian people to the lace has not changed. It is the lace that are one of the main elements in Russian design. Lace applied everywhere. They decorated with clothes, and at home. Tablecloths, curtains, napkins, capes and more. Wrapped lace from cotton or linen threads, as well as from gold and silver, depending on wealth.

Russian design: And yet what is he?

Speaking about the Russian interior, immediately before his eyes arise rural huts with their decoration, the beginning of the last century, where the Russian oven dominated. It was decorated with tiles, various drawings and ornaments.

Russian design: And yet what is he?

Russian design: And yet what is he?

Russian design: And yet what is he?

Russian design: And yet what is he?

Furniture in such a house was not so much. These are benches near the walls, the table and chairs, often no backs. Dresser and chest. Here, perhaps, the whole setting.

City apartments, that time differed from the village, but the style of the interior was borrowed from other countries. Therefore, it was impossible to call it purely Russian. Although individual elements were present. It:

  • Furniture made of natural wood, preferably it was an oak, cherry or ash with a multitude of carved finish.
  • The presence of floral ornament on the walls.
  • Many ceramic figurines and dishes Gzhel or painted Khokhloma.
  • Claws, but already decorated with bizarre carvings.

New this is well forgotten old. Modern designers are widely used in the interiors of modern apartments Russian style.

Russian design: And yet what is he?

Russian design: And yet what is he?

Russian design: And yet what is he?

Russian design: And yet what is he?

Consider the highlights necessary for this design:

  • The floor needs to be equipped from natural boards, in which the texture of the tree is well visible.
  • Furniture should be solid wood.
  • The bed in the bedroom should also be made of natural boards. For decoration, carving and painting will fit. Many pillows, patchwork bedspreads and seats with lace completes the desired image.
  • The kitchen needs a large table. Instead of familiar chairs, you can use benches or carved stools.

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Russian design: And yet what is he?

Russian design: And yet what is he?

Russian design: And yet what is he?

Russian design: And yet what is he?

Russian design: And yet what is he?

Finishing and small pleasant little things made by their own hands will create the necessary flavor:

  • Household rugs and mats.
  • Pavlo-Passage handkerchiefs.
  • Samovar.
  • Lace.
  • Textile dolls.
  • Painted walls and ceiling.

Of course, the furnace to install in a modern apartment or the house is very difficult, but a fireplace can easily cope with this task that can be decorated with tiles.

By choosing the style of "A-la Russ", the main thing is not to rearrange. The apartment still should not remind the museum.

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