Metallic color - Trend 2019


Increasingly gaining momentum Trend, which began in mid-2019, gained popularity in many styles and types of interior design, namely the color called Metallic. Including a rather large range of achromatic (i.e. white, black and their combinations in various respects) Metallic colors primarily stands out from a color gamut, but by execution. How it is not difficult to guess this color masks objects for metal, with all the ensuing consequences in the form of shine, glare, almost mirror surface and cold shades.

Although most of this color in modern interiors - paint, based on the thin layer of aluminum powder, to the "metal" interiors also include components with a natural metal coating, or a metal-coated metal sheets.

Metallic color - Trend 2019

Metallic color - Trend 2019

Metallic color - Trend 2019

Metallic color - Trend 2019

Metallic kitchen

The most frequent room that is painted and is made up with a metallic color - kitchen, the formation of such a tendency is rather rational: it is in the kitchen that there is a huge number of different metal elements in the form of instruments and the sink, which means that it will be much easier and the general appearance will be more canonical. Such a kitchen with ease wins the classic option in the battle for human attention, because hundreds of glare and overflows can be seen for hours. Usually, this effect is achieved by using conventional gray metallic from MDF and PVC, sending looking to a polished metal surface or with a chromatic metallic with a pair of contrasting colors - blue, purple, orange, yellow and bright green leading in popularity.

For non-ferrous metallic, one paint may not be enough, then the chromatic covering film will come to the aid, which, where else, you can easily cross the infinite number of times.

Metallic color - Trend 2019

Metallic color - Trend 2019

Metallic color - Trend 2019

Metallic color - Trend 2019

Metallic color - Trend 2019

Combined styles

Since the metallic is still quite a new phenomenon, it has not fully proven itself as a separate design style. At the moment, it is rather a tool that can be connected to other styles, amplifying and adding them.

  • Kitch with his protest and extravagance can well connect with metallic flowers due to their unusual and duck.
  • Constructivism acquires even more utilitarian forms and functionality together with this color.
  • Techno includes quite a lot of metal elements that can competently arrange and fit into a Metallic interior picture.

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Metallic color - Trend 2019

Metallic color - Trend 2019

Metallic color - Trend 2019

Metallic color - Trend 2019

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